Why does this board get so many visitors from Reddit and similarly vile people? Why is this board almost as appealing as /b/, /v/ or /pol/ and attracts the same demographic?
A few moments ago a Redditor guy posted pic related and he deleted his thread when he saw my post. He made a thread about him losing an argument on reddit. His name was censored but there's nothing a search engine can't fix so I've found his username: Leinad177.
This was his thread:
>>44084614 This was his reddit account (censored in the pic):
http://www.reddit.com/user/Leinad177 member of reddit for 2 years
>/u/Leinad177 has helped pay for 11.06 hours of reddit server time.This guy even paid real money for his reddit account.
His most visited subreddits: depression, explainlikeIm5, suicidewatch, teenagers, stopdrinking, techsupport (probably goes there when he's tired of asking /g/), CODGhosts, Dota2, mensrights
He is a self proclaimed technology expert and "programmer" (he barely knows python) yet he used the same account all over the internet (Leinad177) and filled the internet with about 4000 google results all pointing to his very unique username (that in turn points to the same person). He even posted racist, misogynistic and xenophobic comments on his accounts and he behaves like a hyperactive, vitriolic teenager. Those accounts are all linked to his facebook and other social media accounts. This is the average /g/ user today, sadly.
If you have no idea about computer security or technology don't post on this board and don't claim that you're an expert on those 2. Lurk more before you proclaim your disgust towards "tech illiterates".