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Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.
>Install ubuntu on surface >Need to plug in USB keyboard >enter key is stuck >automatically formats SSD as it flashes through all the menus, automatically selecting "yes" to everything >Microsoft surface support is treating me like I'm a goddamn idiot, telling me to run the "reset" thing through the setup (which does not exist due to the format) >finally get them to understand that the OS is FUBAR >ask them to send me the product key for my tablet so I can reinstall windows >"there is no product key, it's pre-injected into the system" How can I find the product key for my windows 8 on this machine? What would be the best way to download and install windows 8 for it? The only other option is to wait "3 to 5" day for them to send me a recovery USB and I need this working before then
"Your system is running older proprietary nVidia video drivers. Steam requires driver version 304.22 or higher" is what I get when I try to run Steam on Xubuntu using my nVidia FX5500 card. I did sudo apt-get install nvidia-173 in order to fix a bug I was having, and that seems to be the version that nvidia offered me on their website too. Does that mean I can't use steam?
I use a double edge. Lately I have been trying out new brands of blades. Feather is really nice. Just tried some Astra and cut the fuck out of my face with them. Probably the closest shave I have gotten buy damn, my skin is not tough enough for that. But damn, so fucking smooth.
Also Mug shaving soap.
Blades cost around 40 cents or less per blade and last the same length, if not longer, than those ridiculous cheese grader things they are selling these days. Shaving soap is cheap to. Not to mention its far more refreshing. I actually enjoy shaving.
>install loonix >everything runs nice >open muh imageboard, want to upload a pic, click my picture folder with 5k+ reactions >no previews, have to click them individually >OK lets install another distro >the upload dialog is another empty ugly square with no previews, right click gives 2 useless functions >install another with different "Desktop Environment and File Manager" >same ugly square with no previews
>google >asspies saying that seeing the thumbnail is an useless, "bloat" feature >sudo 9+ dfscdsdssdpo - sdfsdfds and then instal dsadfsds -cock >no results >different freetard communities blaming the devs of the so called "free software"
>all of them incapable of putting feature that is BY DEFAULT in WINDOWS FUCKING 98
i bet you remember ALL OF YOUR GODDAMN FILES by random numbers, die in fire loonux asspies
i bet some asspie will show me his ultra riced system with thumbnails that requires hours and hours of fixing
How do you use earbuds with a microphone button thing as a microphone?
I've had earbuds like this for years and I never figured it out.
I searched it and found videos of people talking into headphones but they have no buttons or opening the box they come in and saying they look nice without actually using them, demonstrating them or reviewing them.
How do you use earbuds with a microphone button thing as a microphone?
I've had earbuds like this for years and I never figured it out.
I searched it and found videos of people talking into headphones but they have no buttons or opening the box they come in and saying they look nice without actually using them, demonstrating them or reviewing them.