As the founder and developer of, I'm here to clear up any misconceptions.
Proof:, I'd like to point out that I have never created a thread in any forum pretending to be a "satisfied user". This is the first time I perform an extensive Google search into Softicle, in hopes of gaining some idea of the general opinion about the service so far, and to my surprise I've come across many similar threads.
If you think about it, is it really that strange for a few satisfied users, who are excited about the service, to want to share it? (And I truly appreciate those kind folks.) Out of our 600+ daily active users, is it really more probabilistically sound to assume that none would post on the web about their experience? I have yet to read a bad experience from anyone who gave the service a chance.
Consider this:
• The primary focus of Softicle is to function as a Repository for (Verifiably) legitimate Software.
• Only the most popular and highly requested software is included, and placed front-and-center. We choose the most universal versions (English/US) in order to keep the selection small and simple. This is particularly helpful to the less tech-savvy among us.
• The service is kept free, and ad-free, since it incorporates Google Drive for all the heavy lifting.
• Licensing through us is optional. 99% of our users simple visit to download, and we are happy to accommodate them.
• We incorporate a secure Paypal Checkout, and, over the last 2 years, have not had a single dispute/case opened against us.
Where, in that, is there room to be operating a "scam"? The overall opinion of Softicle is off the charts.
If you have any questions, feel free to post them here or in our comments section. For PM:
[email protected]Thank you