Donations to the archive would be appreciated to help fund our server hardware & storage drives. We are looking for developers to help build new software and archives, discuss here.
Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.

Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 385

No.33240759 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>stock price steadily tumbling
>constant manufacturing delays for next iphone
>apple recalling 6 million iphone orders for shoddy build quality
>LG profitability in limbo due to fewer iphone component orders
>Samsung not even interested in supplying components anymore
>company looking to gimmick watches and fingerprint readers to reboot "cool image"

No, their profits aren't in jeopardy yet, but the era of the $800 stock price is over. The fanboy bubble has popped.
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No.41822522 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
hey, /g/, help me out here

i have a Linux Mint 15 64-bit running on my 16-bit Flash Drive (my Windows 7 drive gave up and died) and a 1TB pocket drive (with a loose USB 3.0 cord)

and now i'm wondering if I can play any Game Maker games on PlayOnLinux or Wine (also I want to play Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition on Wine/PoL also)

also i don't how to install a few emulators like Mupen64, Snes9x, and Nestopia.

Virtual Box won't work out with me (too much space),

/v/ didn't have any good suggestions and directed me here.

you have any suggestions, /g/?

No.41955060 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm switching from ubuntu to archlinux. Any advice about the installation or the use of arch?
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No.41955048 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Well /g/, Linux noob here/ I want to try Manjaro but not sure which DE to use.

Is gnome or openbox good for starters? I don't like the default xfce DE.
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No.41943220 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

>A five-member panel at the FCC should not be dictating how Internet services will be provided to millions of Americans," Cruz said in a Wednesday afternoon statement. "I will be introducing legislation that would remove the claimed authority for the FCC to take such actions, specifically the Commission's nebulous Sec. 706 authority. More than $1 trillion has already been invested in broadband infrastructure, which has led to an explosion of new content, applications, and Internet accessibility. Congress, not an unelected commission, should take the lead on modernizing our telecommunications laws. The FCC should not endanger future investments by stifling growth in the online sector, which remains a much-needed bright spot in our struggling economy.

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No.41922196 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What's the best claw grip mouse?
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No.41922135 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Halp a nub.

struct entity_data
string entity_name;
float entity_px; //position
float entity_py;
float entity_pz;
float entity_rx; //rotation
float entity_ry;
float entity_rz;

//Later, in muh code:
entity_data e_cop;
e_cop.entity_name = Cop;
e_cop.entity_px = 0.0; //whatever this is
e_cop.entity_py = 0.0; //just a demo
e_cop.entity_pz = 0.0;
e_cop.entity_rx = 0.0;
e_cop.entity_ry = 0.0;
e_cop.entity_rz = 0.0;

Why does gcc kick my teeth in when I try to store entity_name?

No.27708096 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>66 billion dollars
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No.41102719 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So, first we ditched the trackers.

We even got rid of the torrents.

Then we left the servers to enter the clouds.

Now, we're about to take the biggest step in our history.

As piracy is about to change from sharing of files into the sharing of everything, we're planning our departure from this earthly form. Preparing our final ascension into the transcendence. The final conflux.

No, this is no longer science fiction. With the next version of this humble venture, you'll be able to see, hear and feel everything that is a part of The Pirate Bay. How you use it is up to you.

In cooperation with russian, israeli and japanese neuro scientists, we are developing a device that will embrace your entire mind. Using laser projections directly onto the retina it'll no longer be any resolution but 100%. The sound will be delivered in a range from 12Hz to 79kHz and will cancel all noise from the outside world.

Using a simple plugin into the the brain, you will no longer only be able to see and hear a movie, a game or whatever it is you want. You'll be able to live it. Play the main character. Tweak any story in any way you want.

Using your brain power and nervous system, we will be able to speed things up. Every part of The Pirate Bay will be stored within you and everyone else that dares to participate in this step into the future. The more we are, the faster everything will be. Our scientists calculate that if we become at least 1 333 337 nodes, everything will be shared instantaneously.

Forget about the outside world. This is the new.

The Virtual Bay - 12/13/14
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No.41894257 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Well the admins on my last torrent site basically told me to fuck off because I hadn't logged in in 2 months (even though I was upping the entire time and had a 40:1 ratio).

Where do you guys download games and shit?
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