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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 386
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>>41889649 there is no 'y' in that line... anymore anyway. make sure you overwrote the files.
>>41889697 apparently if I google "that starwars character with the skull mask and 4 swords" is the 2nd result
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Bump limit fgts somebody create a new thread
Looking for a free reliable converter that can easily convert .avi video files to .mpg2 files
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Use a program called AppGeeker, it just converts almost every file frormats.
What is the cheapest way to buy Windows 8? All those KMS fucking activators are closed source botnets
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>>41869685 That explains why you're a freedom hating fagcunt degenerate subhuman.
>>41869575 I'm pretty sure Marx would've been for free software and not proprietary.
>>41869695 Marx was for oppressing peoples' freedoms.
Software is irrelevant.
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>>41869707 >Software is irrelevant. If we were on /pol/
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>>41868883 Just create a damn recovery drive. And run it from there.
You can send a 1GB flash-drive back to yourself 5 years ago, what do you put on it?
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>>41833467 >what do you put on it? every popular freeware game between then and now
or really hot porn
shit, decisions
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A single .txt file that is about 21 bytes in size. It says "It doesn't get better."
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My rare fetish porn that ended up being deleted on a corrupted hard drive. Taught me a lesson about externals that day.
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>>41841732 Love is evanescent anon.
Just as death is part of life,
Breaking up is part of love.
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>>41843335 >not being logical >thinking the world revolves around you Wait until you turn 13 before you comment.
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AMD has always released high res die shots of their CPUs.
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Well looks like this thread is beyond bump limit. If anyone is still lurking I'll make another in a week or so as more info comes out, and as always keep it civil, /g/ents.
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New CPUs when?
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Kaveri mobile will be in products in just a couple months, along with Beem and Mullins parts. Carizo is slated for Q1 2015, along with AMD's first ARM parts. K12 and the X86 sister cores are due out in 2016 along with the Basilisk APU.
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>>41840784 oh god I would love a thinkpad with an apu. the only thinkpads we've gotten with AMD have all be e-series shit and usually underpowered. I know outside the US you can get an edge with APU+dedicated radeon, but I want a proper thinkpad.
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I don't know if anybody will ever see this post but I would like to say thanks for this thread and I'm looking forward for the next thread.
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>every day there are less threads than the previous day on freedom, privacy, snowden leaks, wikileaks, net neutrality, and tech+human rights on /g/ >every day there are more "feeling lonely? don't worry, consumption will fill the void" threads on /g/ than the previous day. >mfw
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>>41833328 More like GNUternet... Hue...
>>41834584 And for instance what views would be particularly damaging? I am not a racist, I don't openly talk about politics or social issues. That stuff deserves to be behind closed doors with close friends and no recordings. That is if I wanted to talk that deep about stuff. Which has never happened.
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>>41834683 Deviation from the norm is a slippery slope. We are trying to help you.
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>>41834665 skype is one of the biggest botnets though. I've had success moving people to jitsi for our nightly gaming sessions. Anyone still using skype can move to jitsi or find another way to contact me.
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why did we get deleted?
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Does anyone have any recent statistics on the use of COBOL in current companies -- i.e. would it still be worth learning because the amount of COBOL programmers is so low? I remember hearing somewhere that 70% of the world's business transactions are done in COBOL, and that around 70% of the U.S. government's IT budget goes to COBOL programmers -- I'm not sure if they're just loving the statistic 70%, or if there's some fact to it. Does anyone know any good resources for learning COBOL ISO 2002?
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COBOL is used at enough places that if you know it, you can probably get a job. But I wouldn't want to do it.
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Read the first chapter of Beginning COBOL for Programmers. You can read that chapter for free on Amazon since it is available as a Look Inside for the book. One thing it references that should answer most of your questions s this recent survey from ComputerWorld - http:\\
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Just letting you all know, Cumcast knows when you pirate shit. I don't know what to do /g/. I think I'm fucked. One notice per song multiplied by Alice In Chains’ entire discography equals Comcast switching to automated colorless letters because we’re costing them more in labor and supplies than we’re worth.
Are these the same thing as the emails they send warning you to stop pirating shit? Also, good VPNs?
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>>41818372 Sounds like something a hipster would say
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i find it funny that postage for each of those letters cost 46 cents. the whole bundle of letters probably costs more than a couple CDs. and i don't doubt you could find all of alice in chains' CDs in a discount bin, where they belong.
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>Linux distro >Most played game >Video card >Driver >VRAM >Resolution @ refresh rate >Graphics quality >Frame rates
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>>41803710 are you able to get UrT working ? last time I checked the site was hacked again.
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Arch Linux Starbound nVidia GT 630 nvidia-ck-k10 (337.12) - proprietary 2 GB 1920x1080 + 1440x900 Lowest (for most games) Excellent (for most games)
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Fedora Smash the stack Intel integrated Intel's I don't know, probably 512mb? 1860x1050 and 60hz I think? Good? Text renders fine, images look fine. This has more to do with fontconfig, monitor quality, and color profiles though. Probably 60FPS?
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>>41805519 hurrr
what is mature software
amd has best performance using a driver that respects your freedom
deal w it faggot
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>Linux distro Debian >Most played game Planetside 2 >Video card R9 270X >Driver The fuck if I know >VRAM 2gb >Resolution @ refresh rate 1366x768 @ 60hz >Graphics quality max >Frame rates 60+ I use windows for gaming, gnu/linux for everything else.
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ITT: Black female computer programmers I'll wait...
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man as a BFP I was very embarassed about the Andria richards thing and I hope no one rememebrs it
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>>41788593 chloe is so cute