world4chan is legit the greatest forum of all time, and
/prog/[code] the greatest board of all time
i don't know what i'm gonna do, reddit is registration upboats bullshit and full of worse people than the imageboards, 4-ch is faggots, saovq can't handle the over the top spirit, and i'm not going over to /2hu/.
i guess it had to happen end at some point, seeing as it was 2gud
big ups to: snacks for making /prog/ initially, nikita, luke, lambda, smirkinglad, my anus memefan, tdavis, frozenvoid (one of a kind entertainer), all the SICP-heads, all the real VIPPERs (and not that one nihha tryina front), and all the 2huers and loungers who stuck around and contributed