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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 390


!225yGentoo No.41566860 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What's the future of this site, /g/? I got banned for pointing out that consoles use APU's on /v/, and I got a ban in fucking 2013 for something I didn't even post. I haven't posted in /a/ since 2012, what the fuck is this? How is pointing out consoles use APU's ban-able? What's the future of this site if we have no free speech? Moot is obviously ignoring the hacking, and he never replied to my email about security vulnerabilities so he deserves it I guess. Do we just place bets and see what happens from here?
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No.41535141 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
A friend forgot his laptop's password.
He is using windows 8.
I have access to a guest user and before I waste time on reinstalling windows, is there a way to reset or change the password without reinstalling windows 8?

FSA Bans most E-Cigarettes

No.41558269 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

The FDA just banned most electronic cigarettes. Here is the text

>The statute establishes a "substantial equivalence" (SE) pathway for a new tobacco product to enter the market if it is substantially equivalent to a "predicate product," meaning a product commercially marketed in the United States as of February 15, 2007.

In other words, electronic cigarettes have to be like the pre-2007 models. Which there was only one: Ruyan cigalikes. All others that fail the test: like egos (pic related), or any of the light saber mods you guys are proud of will be banned after a 2 year compliance period. The FDA is "Taking comments" on what it should it do for those products but there is no hint or promise that it will do anything.

The only products that will be legal for sale will be like the big tobacco products: like blu cig and nJoy. The kinds with expensive disposables or pre-filled cartridges.
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No.33329739 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do I rip a blue-ray disk so that I get mkv quality?
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No.41549865 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Site gets hacked and user info gets compromised
>Make NO announcement about the extent of the damage, or how the site will proceed, or any apology whatsoever
>Block posting for hours at a time for no conceivable reason
>Take down screencaps and archives of the attacker's posts
>Literally just pretend it never even happened

Is there any site ever more retarded or handled such a situation worse than 4chan? This is absolute comedy gold
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No.41548877 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
can someone explain to us why okcupid is FILLED with bisexual women
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Where to get OSX Mavericks?

No.41546180 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi /g/uys. I'm writing a game engine. It's nowhere near completion yet. I need to test some core components on OSX. I already tested them on Linux and they work wonderfully. I haven't tested on Windows because
>mingw is a bitch to set up on Windows
>I don't know how to link against dynamic libs in msvc
Where can I get a copy of OSX Mavericks? I heard Apple is giving it away for gratis, but there's no download link on Apple's website.
1 post omitted

4chan hackb owl #2

No.41543929 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
4chan hackb owl #2

SQL injections kill the 4chin
372 posts and 45 images omitted

No.41545279 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
25 posts and 3 images omitted

Franko ? Weed ? Or What ?

No.40235844 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So what is with this /r/Franko i heard many got rich and shit and also big time baked hahaha . Some say because some doggie distracted the attention from the big ball . I just jumped in and let's see where this rocket goes .