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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 397
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Does anybody have a Wikipedia account I can use?
Why not just make one? It takes literally 5 seconds. Let me guess, you want some experienced account to push your POV, huh?
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>>41143607 this. OP you faggot, fuck off.
Creating an account only requires choosing a username and password, everything else is optional and that's reinforced. Actually, you want someone else's account for your vandalism hidden as their activity, don't you?
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>>41143811 Oh, haha, don't be silly. Why would I do something like that? :)
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Shit tier tech youtubers Pic related
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I generally figure if someone knew anything about tech, they wouldn't be on youtube. It's the same as if your tech news came from a url with bl*gsp*t in it.
Anonymous I've been following this guy for awhile, just because of his sheer autism.I imagine there's people on /g/ just like him.
He used to be a Linux user, but deleted that YouTube account because Linux wasn't secure or freedom enough for him.One time he made a video, cursing at people who add the nonfree repo in Debian, then his next few videos who made showing his Windows games.This guy is the Chris-chan of /g/.
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Becareful who you are laughing at . . .
Whoever can find this persons phone number and post it wins get all his personal information too , this scumbag is an online predator darksaidshutthefuckup <- Skype Username
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oh hey that's me are you still upset?
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>>39421484 Man leave the pedo alone
hes not doing anything wrong.
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Well considering this person is an online predator, and is sexually harassing many females, Yes i'm quite upset.
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whats your email?
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Hey - cut out the crap. Stop accusing people of things you know NOTHING about.
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What the fuck /g/? How come this fucking piece of shit is using more RAM than my fucking VM? How is that even fucking possible? How fucking bloated can it be?
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Better than the 14GB Safari used to steal from me.
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>>41070878 maybe it's time to upgrade your pentium 3
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14 tabs and about 20 extensions
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Google botnet isn't any better.
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Thread full of whiny complainers bitching about someone else's complaint.
Is this generally true? /g/ keeps getting worse and worse, and I think its because of the Linux people. I use a Mac Mini and a Macbook Pro, and definitely I fall more into the Windows/OSX side of this image.
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>>40419753 >It's just weird to me that Randist try to bend free software ideology into their framework. Rand was a filthy Jewess. I am a National Socialist.
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>>40414844 >Is this generally true? Go work for Windows tech support and you will see true hell.
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I'm sure NASA are bloated neckbeards
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>/g/ has always liked Linux >gradually people start supporting Windows/OSX >quality of posts goes down gradually as well WHO COULD BE RESPONSIBLE? [ ] Obama [ ] OSX/Windows Users [X] Linux users
/rbt/ usr
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>>40415795 Damn that's hot.
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I will give $30 through paypal to anyone who can find out whether the guy below and his company/corporation is legitimate and where I can figure out more about it. Be sure to post your paypal email in the same post so you can get your reward. Mr Croom Washington Trim Inc Los angeles CA 9004 (415) 484-6953 D&B #: 61-8272038 Tax #: 13-1846375 SIC #: Motors & Generators (3621) Trim, Inc. a subsidiary of Coaster Fine Furniture
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Hello, I recently submitted my Resume to a ad I saw on Craigslist. I received a reply from Michelle Robert asking if I would be interested in being her personal assistant. To me it seems like it could be a scam. I did some research based of their D&B #, that's how I came across your posting. I to would like to know if this company is legitimate?
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Hey guys, /v/ here.
We need your help on making Facebook win the Worst Company in America award for killing the waifu age/jewing information/etc.
If you could please vote in this poll Also, It would be nice If you people could make a script since we are all retarded and don't know Javascript
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>>41104614 I posted a image of my nonsamefaggotry in a timeframe that would be too short to make a edit.
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>>41104532 >Facebook at least gave me a job FTFY
Nice try shill, I'm on to you
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>>41103824 I don't see what's wrong with EA aside from the fact that they ruin games some people look forward to. TWC effectively has a monopoly on cable in a lot of areas and charges people an arm and a leg simply to get shitty access to internet which is far more important than video games, and they then throttle that as they see fit.
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Looks like the jews took our thread down.
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/g/ how do I get into anime? I tried asking on /a/ but they weren't very helpful. Anime is technology. Pic related, it's RMS. He's technology, too.
kitty !kitty/EnNg
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>>36442659 smplayer. no need to care of codecks, works for windows and linux
>>36442873 Could you please stop the MLP discussion? Even though I like the show, this is an anime thread, not an MLP thread.
kitty !kitty/EnNg
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>>36442995 which pone is the best pone (:
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>>36442857 mpv-player + xorg-edgers drivers
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>>36442635 >wanted to download tomodachi no mahou, but there's no torrent on nyaa nor bakabt. what do? See TaintedTerror has been uploading Choco Rei-chan's subs for "Tomodachi wa Mahou".
Baka should host a batch. meh.
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>me: Enters wi-fi password >Password is correct >W7: it says password is incorrect >me: f*** you it is correct >W7: possible incorrect password >me: eat flaming death What means w7 was designed by team of retarded designers.
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Works on my computer™
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>le me >enter le wi-fi password >le windows say "password incorrect" >WWHY WINDOWS IS LE FUCKING SHIT?!! >peach time
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>>40235835 /g/ is 90% autistic.
They can argue about color gradients and shading in single Windows screenshot for an entire day.
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What's your excuse for not using the best programming typeface, /g/? In before bitmap font faggots. Your "minimalist" 12px font was designed for 640x480 displays that couldn't handle anything better.
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>>41094726 So edgy.
If you were to start staring at text for 12-16 hours a day, you'd give a shit about your font, too.
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>>41093683 >But there is no objective "best" Damn, never seen such a wrong opinion on the internet.
Go learn a thing or two about any preference before you spout this bullshit. You'll eventually understand that people gravitate towards a certain standard over time because it is objectively better.
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>>41095055 >>41095136 Too interesting to resist.
# apt-get install fonts-ocr-a
Meh. Too much wasted space. Every stroke is either centered or literally given as much clearance as possible from any other line. It just doesn't flow well.
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>>41094562 Hooks and ticks are yuck
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>>41093491 I love terminus but it bothers me that the '{' and '}' characters don't have the little bit centered vertically in 9pt font