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Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.
What are some good looking Windows 7 themes? I'm currently using Pic related, which is Ikea. I've used Elune, Placebo and many others but I want something new.
So I installed an update on my computer last night before going to bed. When I woke up and turned my computer on this morning it started normally, finished the updates and everything, then the screen went black and it started running an assessment of all my systems. I've never seen it do this before but I just let it run. When it got to my CPU it got a lot of errors that said "RDTSC to QPC delta too high"
What does this mean? I've never overclocked my computer and everything is running just fine, am I fucked or should I just overlook it?
I see people saying how the new volume-per-tab thing is awesome and they have it but my Chrome has nothing. And update shows it is up to date when I do not remember it updating at least a year.
(pic related so I dont think its ios 7?) Fuck found an IPod touch today. Model A1421 (so I think its a 5?)
But of course it has a passcode. The thing is idk shit about iPods. Anyone know how to figure out the firmware of this bitch so I can bypass it Any tips would be very valued as well
>suddenly all of /g/ is transported to the same room, and there is no immediate way out. What happens in this room now filled to the brim with disgusting, sweaty neckbeards?
Santa here. Na not really, but i am giving away a present. For free. Unfortunately the requirement is living in britain so it's cheap for me to send.
Anyway, it's a pair of pretty much mint condition audio technica ath-m50's. Why am i giving them away? Well, I like new things so i ended up buying myself a headphone upgrade after about 6 months (sennheiser 598's), but I still think the m50's are awesome. I just have no use for them now, so someone else might as well enjoy them.
If you'd like to be picked, post where you live and why you want them. Being poor would probably make me pick you out, but since that cant be proved theres no point posting it.
So, /g/, I downloaded windows 8.1 evaluation copy.
It expired, and my computer is restarting every two hours. Is there any way to prevent this? I already bought this laptop with OEM Windows 8 on it, however, I wasn't provided with a product key AND the product key is alledgly in the BIOS. However, when I check, all I see is the 8.1 evaluation copy product key.
Is there any way I could prevent 8.1 from restarting my computer? Or at least recover a windows 8 product key?
For that matter, can I install windows 7 on a computer that came with windows 8? I thinking someone weird with the type of BIOS windows 8 laptops have prevent that.
Also, fuck Windows 8. Microsoft had made shit way worse than it was.