Hey Guys!
So last night I remember I needed to finally install bittorrent on this pc.
Today when I've come to explore sumthin on google, my default browser changed. mmm... Strange? Never heard of Conduit.
Everytime I open Chrome it opens this
fucking search now, and its annoying the hell outta me.
>WTF!?!After this what I did was search around, noticed a youtube tuturial about something similar and tried to adapt
>Already cleaned history>changed browser on Chrome settings and network settings>checked LAN Settings. They're normal.>checked default provider on network properties>Changed the internet options>Default Browser because it had conduit there, changed it to "http://www.google.com">ran malwarebytes, spybot SD, CCleaner, Avast anti-virus> and finally cmd/ipconfig/flushdns just in case my router would fuck me instead of my pc. Still happening
Only happens when I open a new Chrome window now and not when I open a link or most visited page the same way (as a new window).
>trying to /flushdns againStill this shit is appears.
Whatafuck should I do?
Re-install Chrome would solve it?
Fuck me..
For fuck sake... persistent motherfucker
So yeah I'm a poorfag with few computer skills therefore noobfag.
Don't know how to solve this shit and its becoming really annoying
Happy new year everyone