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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 406

No.39154516 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Time for a simple christmas programming challenge that everybody can do!

Simply make a program that prints a christmas tree for a given height, like so:

N = 5


N = 7


Languages done in so far:
bash (1)
brainfuck (1)
c# (3)
c++ (2)
c (20 + 1 graphical)
c99 (1)
d (1)
doge (1)
go (2)
haskell (6)
html (1 kinda)
io (1)
j (1)
java (8)
javascript (1)
jquery (1)
lisp (1)
lolcode (1)
lua (1)
mips (1)
pascal (1)
perl (2)
php (1)
piet (1)
prolog (1)
python (22)
ruby (1)
scala (2)
scheme (2)
sml (1)
vba (1)
matlab (1)
nasm (1)
objective c(1)

Old Thread:

Please avoid python, it has been used way too much, instead try it in some less well known language.

Posting the second challenge in the next post.
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No.36365501 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
why haven't you shavëd your lègs yet /g/?
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No.39141783 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Time for a simple christmas programming challenge that everybody can do!

Simply make a program that prints a christmas tree for a given height, like so:

N = 5


N = 7


So far languages that have been done:
HTML (only works for n=5)
fucking LOLCODE

Old thread: >>39121765

If you are going to post your solution do it in a language that has not been done yet, or at the very least, not python as there have been like a 100 python posts already in the old thread.
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No.39121093 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are you part of the iPv6 master race, /g/?
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No.39057336 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Okay /g/ so I am an 18 year old senior at my highschool and I have administator access too all the computers. I hate my fucking school so bad and the IT guys is a lazy peice of shit that doesn't do anything. I want to make his ass work because he pisses me off along with the peice of shit hick staff that we have there. Should install cryptolocker on the computers? I will obviously do it from an account that isn't mine. Tell me cons to this idea.
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No.38996713 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why have you not invested in the future? Dogecoin is the future, join now and go to the mooooooooon.

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How do I enable sleep mode on Windows XP?

No.38874075 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I recently installed Windows XP on the C partition of my hard-drive. My D partitioned contains Windows 7. A strange problem I noticed about my Windows XP is that when I close my laptop's lid it doesn't automatically enable sleep mode. When I was using my Windows 7, when I close my laptop's lid, it automatically activated sleep mode. But not for Windows XP. How do I activate sleep mode on Windows XP the moment I close the laptop's lid??
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FedoraCoin - Euphoria - Enlightenment - Intelligence

No.38969019 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Fedoracoin 0.2 released:

>based on that animal coin
>5x higher block limit than that coin
>5x higher block rewards than that coin
>stable difficulty code from SBC

Why aren't you tipping fedoras with the best of us?

>now at 200mH/s network rate

Tipping fedoras ITT
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No.38958517 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
We need a new funcoin /g/

We had an existing funcoin but now that it's got value it's filled with Jews and people looking to get rich quick
Remember the fun times we had when it was worthless? Giving away 150k to people so they'd crap on their laptop, trolling people into thinking they'd become millionaires by mining on your pool, all that fun stuff. Now the threads are just filled with beggars and people arguing over which pool is more profitable

That's why I propose Fedoracoin, more serious but with fun like the old one, as secure as SBC and with the mining level, sort of like SBC
It'll be a fork of the old funcoin but with some mods from SBC to make the difficulty changes better
We can go back to the fun times of last week /g/, we just have to make it happen

So far:
>Decided to make new coin
>OP is compiling softwares into a -qt
>Name: Fedoracoin
>Trade symbol: TIP(s)

That's the point.
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No.38932460 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The US government paid RSA $10 million to use encryption software that the NSA had cracked on its products, like BSafe.

RSA is a major security firm, owned by EMC, the world's largest provider of data storage, which also happens to own VMWare among others, like Lenovo EMC, a joint partnership with Lenovo.
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