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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 407

No.38932460 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The US government paid RSA $10 million to use encryption software that the NSA had cracked on its products, like BSafe.

RSA is a major security firm, owned by EMC, the world's largest provider of data storage, which also happens to own VMWare among others, like Lenovo EMC, a joint partnership with Lenovo.
10 posts and 2 images omitted

No.38846979 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
can /g/ recommend any good books on learning c?
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Neural Networks

No.38777411 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Is anyone on /g/ interested in Neural Networks? I'm wrapping up a little grad school project this week and have tons of articles and stuff I could link if anyone wanted to learn.

>inb4 dogecoin
109 posts and 5 images omitted

No.38760439 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Stop! You have violated the GNU public license. Your proprietary software is now forfeit.

No.38750163 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Continuing the C+= (pronounced C-plus-Equality, or See Equality) saga.

/pol/ fags please go here instead: >>>/pol/24208924
This thread is strictly for CODING.

Some butthurt blog:

We're designing a new feminist programming language based on this revolutionary article:

We need more code samples, and potentially more input in the specification. Also, some better website/logo designs are also needed. Patches welcome!
Here's the bitbucket:

IRC: #cplusequality@irc://

/gd/ thread: >>>/gd/124893

Here's the website:
Shitstorm on Twitter:

Shitstorm on Reddit:

BitBucket complaint (DON'T TROLL THIS):

Here's the (usually outdated) backup:
529 posts and 70 images omitted

Daily Programming Thread

No.37815534 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What are you working on, /g/?
314 posts and 27 images omitted

No.38674283 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
if you would write a trojan, which language would you prefer ?
50 posts and 2 images omitted

No.38676107 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What sites do you visit regularly?
105 posts and 9 images omitted

!KNs1o0VDv6 No.38629854 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
We need to get rid of the Mod.

Feminist dyke whore keeps on deleting the threads about the programing event.

Yet we have dozens of DOGE coin threads.
21 posts omitted

No.38672858 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
i come to you from /fit/ at my most desperate hour.

i have an
AT&T I-Phone 4s IOS version 6.1.3
found it some months ago.

trying to unlock/jail break it.
any info on this?
13 posts omitted