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Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.
/g/, I'm on Ubuntu 13.10 and I was wondering what media player you recommend. I mainly will be watching anime (about to start Full Metal Panic, love mechs). I have a Celeron 900 (2.2GHz single core) and a GMA 4500M.
Ok /g/ i want to download the gentoomen library. sadly when i try to download it from the site it doesn't include the programming section. i have searched on google, youtube, and browsed some /g/ archives and have no luck so far. I could really use your help.
It has been 3 years since I was first told to install Gentoo. I was a happy Ubuntu user then, drunk with ease of use, happy that developers create things that cater to __my__ tastes only. I've seen desktop Linux rot to hell with the advent of Unity, Gtk3, Gnome3, arrest of graf_chakolo, removal of AIR and Flash, stagnation of Xfce and then the whole mir/wayland debacle. "This is it. Linux will die because everyone cares more about having a pretty desktop than if Linux is usable.", I said. I had installed Mate, but with enough time, this has become stagnant too. I kept hearing the "shitposter's" begging plea, "install gentoo". I breathed a heavy sigh and thought, "Hell, what could be worse, I'll let Linux go out with a bang out of my life". My faith in Linux as a desktop operating system was restored. I USE="-gtk3 -gnome -mir -wayland -unity" and with patience invested into researching distcc, alternative desktops and the mastery of emerge, I enjoy using Linux, yet again. It took me a year of running several machines on several architectures to feel like I'm at home with Gentoo.
This post is dedicated to everyone who advised me to install Gentoo. You are truly angels among plebians.
Okay, so long LOOOOOOONG story short, I'm being cheated on. Atleast it seems like it. My spouse has a past of being this way, and I thought it was over with. I'm not living with my spouse at this point, and I'm 99.9% sure said person is cheating on me. For example, never having a problem with me using said person's phone. Now has a password, and is BEYOND paranoid about me being around it, and being beyond paranoid about me knowing ANYTHING about him. Which is ironic, considering he has a history of cheating and he spied on me. Using SOMETHING, I have NO idea what it was. It must have been remote, considering he has had absolutely NO access to this PC since we've been "separated". I had changed my passwords for EVERYTHING after I left. No keylogging is possible, so that's out of the question. But he did it to me, and had screenshots for proof. So, needless to say, if I got into his Gmail, I'd have access to everything he owns, for the most part. And I would be able to get screenshots for however I see fit. Any help? :/
tl;dr, husband is cheating, need proof, help me hack his gmail ._____.
It would be the future of Linux init systems they said “bug #43251 systemd does not handle telinit right.”
It would make dbus so much better they said “bug #58127 dbus timeout while waiting for polkit agent”
The old style plaintext form of logs was outdated they said “bug #62958 systemd floods its own logs and eats the all the CPU”
It'll make startups, shutdowns and reboots so much faster they said “bug #70593 random 90 sec delay on shutdown/reboot” “bug #71277 every boot hangs for ~20s at a random stage”
Mounting multiple drives on boot will be a breeze they said “bug #71483 Issues during boot with automounts”
1) I want to try Xubuntu on my installed Ubuntu. I googled and found two installs: >sudo apt-get install xfce4 (by this ppa:xubuntu-dev/xfce-4.10) >sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop
What to choose?
2) I did a search for lubuntu too, but I'm not gonna install it >sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop (to install both Lubuntu’s customized LXDE and vanilla LXDE) >sudo apt-get install lxde( to install only vanilla LXDE)
What's the difference between "Lubuntu’s customized LXDE" and "vanilla LXDE" thx in advance :)
What is the best image sharing host/website? i just want direct images, and preferably one that lets me upload bmp's aswell for now i've been using imageshack but it's been getting annoying what is the best image sharing website oh, and for filesharing i've been using dropbox, any better alternatives to that aswell?
Any of you, rich people of /g/, could deposit me at least 0.1 LTC in my BTC-E account? please I would appreciate this a lot Thank you LYxgF6At9CUz7tGRhshWWJzv3SVsp8oqZk
I'm planning to install Debian as my main OS. Which one should I choose, 32 or 64 bit? I would prefer 64 obviously but I know that there are some problems with programs like zsnes or few other emulators. Is it worth to go all the way with 64 or is it better to stick with 32 to have better compatibility?