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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 416

No.36909544 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do you backup?
26 posts and 3 images omitted

No.36891335 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
first dubs is the hostname of my raspberry pi
14 posts and 1 image omitted

No.36858461 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What does /g/ feel that iOS 7 is now the world's popular iOS mobile operating system to date?

Annnnd the iPhone 5S/5C has already beaten EVERY SINGLE ANDROID DEVICE.

Apple has won. Google lost once again.
70 posts and 10 images omitted

No.36857704 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>browsing chicks on tinder
>get matched with qtpi
>very talkative, pretty quick with jokes
>ask for her number
>get it
>stage one complete
>start texting her regularly
>pretty tame
>until last night
>wasted and start to sext her
>she reciprocates
>shes so vivid
>talks about sucking my balls and shit
>furiously masturbating to her texts
>fall asleep during
>wake up to her saying good morning
>we decide were gonna meet up and fuck
>pound town
>population her
>look her up on facebook
>oh god
>this cant be
>how was i so bind
>she's a whale
>stage 5 land mass
>no wonder she only had face photos
>dont want to stop cold turkey because she might be crazy and call me a bunch of times
>suddenly realize ios7 has a blocking feature
>block her number
>problem solved

So how do you guys like iOS7? Then new UI is cool, I'm a fan. Tons of nifty features.

No.36804653 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
ITT Hardware purchases you regret to this day. Give reasons if possible.

>2003, first time building my own rig yay (I'm 12 years old)
>think this looks awesome, nice window, without being the bog standard case that all gaymurs buy
>it turns out to be shit
>annoying 80mm fans that either don't do shit or sound like a jet engine, no happy medium
>shitty expansion slot plastic brackets don't line up with the motherboard, meaning i can't secure any of my cards and they just dangle in sockets for years
>front LED breaks after a few weeks

List goes on.
300 posts and 70 images omitted

Unboxing Thread

!L7tyclief. No.36789048 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Oh lookie what we have here!
172 posts and 48 images omitted

No.36819570 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>ITT: things normals don't understand

>Why do you eat in front of your computer? why don't you eat in your kitchen? And why don't you have a kitchen table?
85 posts and 19 images omitted

No.36642671 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
can /g/ hack?

this is my servers ip:

do you're best XD
14 posts omitted

No.36640849 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why don't you workout or read or fuck?

Is your entire life really just anime technology and computer science?
247 posts and 40 images omitted

Daily Alternative Keyboard Layout thread

No.36632338 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Daily Alternative Keyboard Layout thread

> - The Dvorak Zine:
>ABCD: Lesson Overview | ABCD: A Basic Course in Dvorak:
>See the power of Dvorak first hand:
>Cracked article:
>The Dvorak Keyboard and You:
>Learning the Dvorak Simplified Keyboard « Music meets Tech:
>dvorak7min: Simple Dvorak Typing Tutor for Ubuntu Linux:
>Carpalx - keyboard layout optimizer:
>Use Dvorak on any computer you can get your hands on insantly with no hassle:
>Downloadable Typing Lessons for All KBLs:
>KTouch Typing Software:
47 posts and 2 images omitted