Donations to the archive would be appreciated to help fund our server hardware & storage drives. We are looking for developers to help build new software and archives, discuss here.
Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.
>browsing chicks on tinder >get matched with qtpi >very talkative, pretty quick with jokes >ask for her number >get it >stage one complete >start texting her regularly >pretty tame >until last night >wasted and start to sext her >she reciprocates >shes so vivid >talks about sucking my balls and shit >furiously masturbating to her texts >fall asleep during >wake up to her saying good morning >we decide were gonna meet up and fuck >pound town >population her >look her up on facebook >oh god >this cant be >how was i so bind >she's a whale >stage 5 land mass >no wonder she only had face photos >panic >dont want to stop cold turkey because she might be crazy and call me a bunch of times >suddenly realize ios7 has a blocking feature >block her number >problem solved
So how do you guys like iOS7? Then new UI is cool, I'm a fan. Tons of nifty features.
ITT Hardware purchases you regret to this day. Give reasons if possible.
>2003, first time building my own rig yay (I'm 12 years old) >think this looks awesome, nice window, without being the bog standard case that all gaymurs buy >it turns out to be shit >annoying 80mm fans that either don't do shit or sound like a jet engine, no happy medium >shitty expansion slot plastic brackets don't line up with the motherboard, meaning i can't secure any of my cards and they just dangle in sockets for years >front LED breaks after a few weeks