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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 420

8.1 - How horrifying...

No.35762227 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
tl;dr Windows 8 was a fucking mess. 8.1?
There are no words. It's like the same shit, but someone puked on it, so the shit is smeared all over.

So. I wanted to check out RDP + RemoteFX + vGPU. Even thought I didn't like 8, I went for the pants-on-head retarded server-OS. Server 2012.

I didn't know that you need an Enterprise edition, so I grabbed 8.1. HOLY FUCK. I could not even find a fucking application in this mess. Even the fish got even more retarded. I mean, damn, look at that fucking silly picture.


!JXMxoK19hU No.35722232 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Some time ago I bought the iOcean x7 Elite and it arrived today! Picture kind of related, but the specs are even better.
I said I will review it on /g/ for everyone to get an opinion on this chinese phone, and quite a few looked forward to it.
This will be an unboxing and review of the phone. I will adress any Pros, contras, and issues I have stumbled upon.
Prepare for lots of posts!

The specs of the iOcean x7 Elite are:
Beautiful 1920x1080p IPS display!
Some 1.5GHz Quad-core processor,
32GB of storage,
2GB of RAM,
13MP Camera + 5MP front camera,
SD card slot for ANOTHER 32GB,
Two SIM-card slots (one SIM, one mini-SIM)
Android 4.2.1
2000mAh battery with alternative 3000mAh battery

PRICE: About 250€ - 300€!
Where to buy: Import from China or buy from someone who imported from China and is re-selling them.
If you are german, like me, I highly recommend this site:

You can ask me any questions while I am posting, I will try to answer them.

Well then, let's start with the box!
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No.35713564 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What's better, OpenOffice or LibreOffice?
298 posts and 150 images omitted

No.35710500 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Thinking of getting a smartphone for the first time. Should i get the iphone 5 now or should i wait for the next one?
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Stupid Questions Thread

No.35688303 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Stupid Questions Thread
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No.35705935 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is Chromium botnet?
5 posts omitted

No.35678606 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
how do you auto reconnect a live video stream broadcast in flash action script 3?

so i don't have to ask people to refresh the page if the connection drops

i don't know what i'm doing

GPU too noisy, what do?

No.35667347 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Not sure if I'm in the right board, but... /g/, help me, please.

I have a big mental problem: I hate the noise my PC makes. I found out that all of it comes from the GPU's cooler; the GPU itself is a Geforce GT 440 (picture). So I went and replaced the original fan for the one in the picture (had to use a lot of criativity to attach it, because of the GPU's circular heat sink).
Anyway, it's less noisy (21 dBA, manufacturer says), but still bothers me. Do you ladies and gentlemen know how I could make the GPU silent without risking overheat? Or, if not possible, can you recommend me another, silent, GPU?

Thanks in advance!
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No.35654073 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
why haven't you shavêd your légs yet /g/?
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No.35606968 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
> rising sophomore
> can't program shit yet

what do i do besides go to class here to have a CS job after undergrad? i still don't know how the industry works.
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