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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 424

No.35043544 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Ready for the iPhone 6?
61 posts and 42 images omitted

No.31968746 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So what exactly is PHQHD?
70 posts and 9 images omitted

No.35020957 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Wake up, it's 40C but that's normal in the cool months here in Australia
>Get up and bang my shoes 2 spiders fall out, well at least it isn't a snake
>Get my clothes together and go for a shower
>There's 3 abbos in the bath, an emu on the floor 2 snakes in the sink and spiders on every wall
>Finally showered it's time to leave my shack and start a busy day of drinking 4X (lights of course)
>I assemble my kinder surprise gun and fill it will rubber bullets, the most lethal weapon an Aussie can own
>I end up shooting 3 dingos, 4 wallabies, 2 abbos before running out of bullets. I then bear knuckle fight two koalas and a cunt cop
>Get to the bar and use the local dial up connection to access 4chan.
>9 hours later the page finally loads
>Mfw all this shit posting about apple
12 posts and 2 images omitted

No.20230283 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
what is the best steganography software available?
11 posts and 3 images omitted

No.34922861 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ask a professional web developer with a salary of $120k/yr and some 18 years experience experience.
16 posts and 2 images omitted

No.34843035 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What does /g/ think about refurbished equipment?

I have a H100 here refurbished by Corsair for £40, since it's refurbished by the manufacturer is it legit? I assume they're tested before being sold? It only has a 90 day warranty so I'm hesitant. If a watercooler fucks up it could leak on my board, or cause my CPU to overheat, etc.

Potential hero now a traitor

No.34813313 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Snowden could have remained a hero if he left his leaks to what was going on illegally within our borders. But the fucking idiot then starts leaking information exposing how the NSA is breaking into other country's government's computer systems. This is a line crossed here, this is officially aiding the enemy without anything about those leaks dealing with domestic issues, illegal or otherwise, constitutional or not. That shit was purely to hurt the United States, not to protect and enlighten its people.

This man is no longer a hero, stop sucking his dick.
104 posts and 35 images omitted

No.34749094 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
/g/, how can I hack/tweak YouTube so I can make an animated.gif as my profile picture/avatar? Is it possible?

No.34696779 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Any /g/ents in here delid their cpu?

Got a 3770k that's running at like 50c right now idle after oc'ing it to 4.4ghz. I want to see some before and after temps and testimonials as to how easy or hard it was for them.
59 posts and 10 images omitted