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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 425

No.34529367 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I have a genuine question to people who use linux as their daily OS.
Why? Windows can do everything that linux can do, and more (more software availability, better driver support, muh games, muh photoshop, etc.)
I dual boot linux as well, but only use it for educational purposes for my engineering courses.
The only reasons I can think of
1. Free- You can always pirate windows, or in my case, receive a free copy from my university.
2. Muh freedom, muh open-source, muh privacy - Understandable, but there are better things to worry about in life like the NSA scoping your entire internet usage through your ISP.
3. To fit in desktop threads - can't argue with this one.
4. Servers - linux would be my go-to option for servers as well.
5. Be a NEET neckbeard who has nothing better to do than switch from distro to distro to critique each one when they essentially all are the same shit.
So why /g/? This is a genuine question, not even trying to ruse or troll anyone.
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No.34538969 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What are you torrenting?
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No.34536019 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hey /g/, I don't frequente here very much, and I know this subject can launch trolls.

But browsers to windows 64-bit.
What are the best options?

I've heard of a waterfox that accepts 64-bits. Someone tested it?
How to transfer bookmarks, scripts, addons etc. to it?
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No.34341871 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /g/,

Any of you use Adderall when programming for long sessions? Just curious if it helps you get more work done or not.

>inb4 this isn't 420chan

420chan is full of dead beats, plus i don't think they program down there.
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No.34478863 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
how can i hack a wifi connection (WPA2 password) using Kismet or Aircrack on Kubuntu? is it possible using a laptop ? i don't have my own connection, I'm connected to someone's open one

Found iPhone 4S

No.34461010 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Got this puppy from a drunken idiot who dropped it, I took it because he deserved it.

What to do? Turned it on and I has one of those GPS apps and I can't pass the pass-code.

Any thoughts?
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No.34447449 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I just purchased a new graphics card earlier today. Installed the drivers and this is the result i'm having. The left screen is working fine but on the right screen it's having a weird color where it just doesn't show anything. or something like that.
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No.34416043 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've been out of the game for a while, quick question -- can trojans install themselves on a secondary HDD and infect any system that HDD is plugged into? Or does it always require a executable/autorun?

AMD is master race.
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No.34391569 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How come you havent sold your house and bought bitcoin miners ?

No.34335137 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is there any benefit to running my set up like this compared to plugging in my cans directly into the front panel?