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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 425
I have a genuine question to people who use linux as their daily OS. Why? Windows can do everything that linux can do, and more (more software availability, better driver support, muh games, muh photoshop, etc.) I dual boot linux as well, but only use it for educational purposes for my engineering courses. The only reasons I can think of 1. Free- You can always pirate windows, or in my case, receive a free copy from my university. 2. Muh freedom, muh open-source, muh privacy - Understandable, but there are better things to worry about in life like the NSA scoping your entire internet usage through your ISP. 3. To fit in desktop threads - can't argue with this one. 4. Servers - linux would be my go-to option for servers as well. 5. Be a NEET neckbeard who has nothing better to do than switch from distro to distro to critique each one when they essentially all are the same shit. So why /g/? This is a genuine question, not even trying to ruse or troll anyone.
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>>34531216 At least you're having fun, I guess.
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>>34530797 how do you like i3?
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>>34529438 >Linux is legitimately a better user experience... Stopped reading there.
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>>34529367 Because Gnu/Linux is a better Operating System.
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>>34530393 >"from what I've heard" >"heard" >not personally experienced lel
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What are you torrenting?
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>>34540361 >Matteo Valentine I like you
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>>34540329 I have it exactly opposite. I just can't use qBittorent because my cable TV is lagging as hell, thought it's shitty router that I had, but even with the new one it's still the same. Max connections etc. are set as they are in uTorrent or lower but nothing works.
How do I set up rtorrent to not require a full recheck whenever the drive that contains the content is not present when restarted then remounted Im looking for utorrent like behavior
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>>34541083 why blur your downloads?
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mostly linux distros
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Hey /g/, I don't frequente here very much, and I know this subject can launch trolls. But browsers to windows 64-bit. What are the best options? I've heard of a waterfox that accepts 64-bits. Someone tested it? How to transfer bookmarks, scripts, addons etc. to it?
>>34537245 12? So where is this "civilized" country so we can bomb them back to the 3rd world they belong.
>>34538066 >implying they are not already a 3rd world country knotz
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>>34538120 I don't really consider anyone in a 3rd world "civilised"...
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>>34537245 >Implying MURICA is a country Anonymous
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>>34537999 In Spain is 13 or 14.
I think it's 13 but they wanted to up it to 14.
Fuck 'em, if they created a law like that, why does it suddenly become wrong?
God damn.
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Hey /g/, Any of you use Adderall when programming for long sessions? Just curious if it helps you get more work done or not.>inb4 this isn't 420chan 420chan is full of dead beats, plus i don't think they program down there.
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>>34343149 Bro..... what's a dubstep skater?
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>>34343000 By the very nature of the names you mentioned -methamphetamine, dextroamphetamine, ect- you prove yourself wrong.
Chemical names point out the differences in the compound. Saying they are the same, and have the same effects and addiction potential, is retarded on a level I've not seen in awhile. It's like saying carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide are the same, because they are both carbon and end in "oxide".
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>>34343149 >you asshole dubstep skater college freshman liberal arts student. You been skipping english class to smoke weed in the forest, mang?
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Circular reasoning. You claimed that because a chemical has a different name, and a different chemical makeup, that it has to have a different effect on humans or is going to be significantly different. Then gave examples that benefited your argument as if they were proof of the previous claim. I can never prove your argument wrong because it would go in a circle of dubious reasoning back to the original dubious claim. 1 change in atom could be the difference between a harmless substance and something toxic. Likewise, 1 change in atom could for all practical intents and purposes result in the same substance. If I gave you an equivalent dose of dextroamphetamine and methamphetamine on different occasions for a set period of time, but didn't tell you which is which, I would bet money you'd never be able to tell the difference or even know they were different drugs.
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Nuvigil masterace.I pop a 250 every friday night and set a goal for learning some aspect of computering.This shit really is a miracle.
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how can i hack a wifi connection (WPA2 password) using Kismet or Aircrack on Kubuntu? is it possible using a laptop ? i don't have my own connection, I'm connected to someone's open one
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I'd tell you how but seeing how I live in the "the land of the free", I fear the Feds may not approve of me contributing to your delinquency.
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No spoon feeding. Search around. Aircrack-ng has good guides.
Yo, Got this puppy from a drunken idiot who dropped it, I took it because he deserved it. What to do? Turned it on and I has one of those GPS apps and I can't pass the pass-code. Any thoughts?
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>>34461010 >I took it because he deserved it. Behold, the children of today.
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>>34461010 Kill yourself you scum bag thief
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You're just a regular scum bag, you're not getting someone back or teaching them a lesson. You're a common thief.
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if i were you i would just smash it or throw it in a river i crying i faggot brings pleasure to my eyes if it were an android phone, however, i would have advised you to return it
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testing the reply feature
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I just purchased a new graphics card earlier today. Installed the drivers and this is the result i'm having. The left screen is working fine but on the right screen it's having a weird color where it just doesn't show anything. or something like that.
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>>34447908 im too scared to go there
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so i got it to work thanks for posting anon by swaping the cables appreciate it.
thanks for the method by swaping the stuff it works apparently my vga cord is broken i suppose?
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>>34448167 If both monitors are working, then whatever you changed out is broken, if you just swapped between the 2 monitors it still could be the videocard.
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Both my monitor works. Most likely it was the wire but my games does not work.
I've been out of the game for a while, quick question -- can trojans install themselves on a secondary HDD and infect any system that HDD is plugged into? Or does it always require a executable/autorun? AMD is master race.
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>>34416375 More like a bunch of kids that don't know shit about computers.
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>> op has a decent question >> posts tits >> neckbeards react not to question or tits but to breaking of board rules >> hella gay
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That is a long neck...
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>>34416043 >AMD is master race. So... when saying for a while, we're talking about 2004-2005?
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>>34416218 What are you doing
How come you havent sold your house and bought bitcoin miners ?
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Because bitcoins suck dick
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I don't own a house
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>>34391569 >How come you havent sold your bitcoins and bought house miners Anonymous
How come you haven't sold your bits and bought housecoin miners
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>>34391718 How come you havent bit your housecoin miners and sold your bought
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Is there any benefit to running my set up like this compared to plugging in my cans directly into the front panel?
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What, using your stereo as an amp?
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Not really, the only benefit I can really see with this set up is probably using the stereo as a low budget amp.