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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 430


!!nwiJ16o+sFJ No.28927502 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
ITT: Op has some fun seeing how long it takes to completely fuck up winxp beyond everything within a virtual machine

pic related, installing now
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No.32850071 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What scheme interpreter?

also dumb questions thread
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No.32684819 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
When did you grow out of Intel processors, /g/?
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No.32523121 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ricky Matthew Stallman (born March 16, 1953), often known by his crazy-ass muthafuckin initials, rms, be a American software freedom activist n' computer programmer yo. Dude campaigns fo' tha freedom ta use, study, distribute n' modify software; software dat ensures these freedoms legally (via its license) is termed free software yo. Dude distinguishes his wild lil' fuckin efforts up in tha free software movement from dem of tha open source movement n' emphasizes dat his thugged-out lil' posizzle be bout freedom n' ethics. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Stallman opposes proprietary software, dat is, software which denies dem freedoms all up in activation keys, donglez, copy restriction, Tivoization n' other such hardware restrictions, proprietary formats n' binary executablez without source code n' thus forces its playas tha fuck into a role of dependence n' even addiction on its supplier yo. Dude objects ta tha bust of binary blobs up in open source projects such Linux Foundation Linux kernel n' advocates Linux-libre as a alternative. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Since tha mid-1990s, Stallman has dropped most of his cold-ass time advocatin fo' free software, as well as campaignin against software patents, digital muthafuckin rights management, n' what tha fuck da perved-out muthafucka sees as excessive extension of copyright laws yo. Dude generally opposes technologizzle or bidnizz practices dat encourage vendor lock-in.

No.31415261 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why does Android's battery life still suck so much?

I want to replace my 4S with a Nexus 4, but the tests I've seen show about HALF the real world battery life of the iPhone 5 despite a significantly bigger battery. Granted it also has a larger screen to light up, but that still seems a thin excuse. Is this a matter of the hardware being inefficient or the software or both?
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!!SJDh6SWipVi No.32420869 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What opinion does /g/ have on the Note II? I'm thinking of starting a new line to my contract, giving my iPhone 5 to my g/f and picking it up. I can't find any downsides about it besides 5.5" screen
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No.31327856 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is there anything similar to A.C.I.D.(Alcohol 52%) in Linux?
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No.32346529 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Visual studio is ignoring parts of my code and I don't know why (see pic)
// Bin_Add.cpp
#include "Bin_Add.h"



int Bin_Add::eval(int n1, int n2)
return n1 + n2;

// Bin_Add.h
#ifndef BIN_ADD_H
#define BIN_ADD_H
#include "op_binary.h"
class Bin_Add : public Op_Binary
/// Constuctor. Bin_Add is stateless, don't need anything here.

/// Destructor. Bin_Add is stateless, don't need anything here.

* eval
* Evaluates the two passed in numbers and produces the sum
* @param int left side of operation
* @param int right side of operation
* @return int the sum of the two numbers
virtual int eval(int, int);
#endif // BIN_ADD_H

It just skips anything that has to do with my object, and will even skip trying to make that boolean. I don't understand what is going on.
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No.32228404 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
it's been a very long time /g/.

5 years ago you told me to install Plan 9 and I did. Some hijinks ensued and we had some fun but it didn't really go anywhere. I kept working though and so here is the result:

This isn't someone struggling to understand Plan 9 and do some half-baked grid project with other /g/tards. This is five years of focused work to master plan 9 software development and show that Plan 9 namespaces are the best designed system in the history of computing.

Some of you who read for linux kernel news may have seen a long series on linux namespaces. Some cool stuff there I admit, but I think Plan 9 does more with less - so ANTS can be thought of as showing that the original is still the best.

315 posts and 32 images omitted

YIFI rips' domination

No.32208567 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This is what The Pirate Bay's top 100 HD films looks like.

There is no going back, they've changed things-- forever.
339 posts and 35 images omitted