Donations to the archive would be appreciated to help fund our server hardware & storage drives. We are looking for developers to help build new software and archives, discuss here.
Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.

Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 435

No.30307885 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
In binary a bit can only have 2 values; yes or no. Why not give each bit more values, say 10, and then an existing hard drive could store 8 times as much data as normal
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No.27726535 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Greetings /g/entlemen

I'm curious: how many of you here would interested in some Dual/Quad PII/PIII SCSI servers?

I have 3 Gateway 8400 ALR servers lying around, all functioning, just need hard drives.

Plenty of SDRAM, can probably throw in 2-4gb into each one.

I have various other server components and such as well for Gateway 8400 servers, 8200 servers, 930 series servers, and some 2000 ns data station ultra 11 SN servers.

Would anyone be interested? Plan on posting on both craigslist and ebay, but I figured I start here and see if any bros are looking for old server hardware to turn into torrent boxes or generic file servers.

Pic related. Gateway 8400 alr series. I can take photos of the junk I've got upon request. Gonna be at this for a few hours.
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No.30300748 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is just me or is firefox ctrl+f now case sensitive?

who to hack someones facebook

No.56723409 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

Hidden Technology

No.20930649 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hello /g/ Lately I have been really interested on this new piece of technology

Its called a Gadolinium Gallium Garnet Quantum Electronic Processor (GGGQEP) for short

I was wondering if anyone has any pictures or information on this

If so how does one make such technology and where can one acquire materials to make one?
66 posts and 15 images omitted

No.15110696 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Any tips on hacking this thing here?

First time jumping into embedded systems.
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No.26826017 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
anybody have a torrent or ddl link?

isbn: 9780321776402

No.35611661 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why is adobe flash such a piece of shit?
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No.56662221 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What color is your tech, /g/?
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No.56660258 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
can somebody tell me wtf this is
1 post omitted