I just got one of these because of a thread on here a bit back talking about all the apps & stuff a rooted "jailbroken" one can have & what it can do.
Now that I have it, when I go to
forum.xda-developers.com/fire-tv/ & other places they talk about first using KingoRoot & Kingo SuperUser from
kingoapp.comBut then they mention that this is for Fire OS 5.1.1 & 5.0.5
I tried to run it anyway & yeah, the root app fails to root the stick
I'm totally lost, I took a screenshot of my menu with version exposed -
Fire OS (551203220)
Pic related
Can anyone on /g/ explain to me what I'm doing wrong & get me back on track, I know at least one of you on here uses one of these.
Any recommended sites, guides, anything at all?
I CAN bring up a terminal window, but I'm not logged in as root, so I have very limited powers & I have no idea what exploit or command is used to escalate myself to root or make the stick rootable.