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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 438

No.29943758 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>friend posts this picture on facebook
>firefox, ie, and safari all pinned to taskbar

89 posts and 9 images omitted

Daily Programming Thread

No.29923416 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
The other one is autosaging.

What are you working on?
365 posts and 28 images omitted

No.56499960 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How can I get a hold of this amazing tower in the US?

It goes by a few different names: JMAX JX-FM500B, AIO Myriad TMH01, CFI-A5000

On a side note, how does a case like this not exist anywhere else? The Silverston DS380B is the closest thing but takes a mITX mobo instead
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No.29894560 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is the best way to steal?

I'm thinking of putting a keylogger on computers I have physical access to so I can get people's bank and credit card info. How would I be able to use that money cleanly? Is there a way to buy bitcoins that can't be tracked? Should I use tor when I do it? Would I be able to transfer those bitcoins into normal currency for an effective laundering scheme?
39 posts and 1 image omitted

No.29878490 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Should i stick with ubuntu and rice with gnome/kde or should i switch to debian?
2 posts omitted

No.29862905 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
/g/, is there something like a DVD-player, but instead of DVDs, you can download movies from your PC, and transfer it , so you can watch them on your TV? It should be able to play all video formats.

I'm not talking about hooking my PC to my TV, or a game console, just something of my description.
15 posts and 2 images omitted

!muffInSfRw No.42014852 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
old one broke 300, battlestations
232 posts and 93 images omitted

No.29843511 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
for( i = 0; i < code_lines; ++i ){

I've been programming for 26 years and I can't fucking stand it anymore. I am sitting here on my ass doing nothing, churning out code like a monkey. Anyone else feel they should have done something else with their life? Like you know, learn to play the piano, do acting, be a social worker, whatever, anything but fucking sitting on your ass staring at a glowing screen. I am sick of it...

Anyone else feel the same way?

Pic related, it's me, the pale and pasty programmer.
147 posts and 5 images omitted

Please help with headphones

No.56405566 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Please help i wanna get the Sony - MDR XB650BT or the Sony - MDR-XB950BT but no matter what i check i cant find the difference if you know please respond they look and apparently sound the same so what is the difference

!xi0f7kaVhk No.15322640 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
/g/ why are furries so stupid? I was playing Secondlife and this faggot i know was talking shit about computers and i asked him this. Also mfw he buys some shitty prebuilt rig with CF 4870s and a i5 for like 1800$ and thinks he has the best computer in the world.
[20:22] *: (Troll question) Hey I'm buying this 2.8ghz Pentium D Dual core, i forget, is it 1.4ghz per core or 2.8?
[20:23] Firefox Doghouse: 1.4 per core
[20:23] Firefox Doghouse: IM running a 1.7 ghz intel hyper treading single core right now
[20:23] *: So would it technically be faster?
[20:23] Firefox Doghouse: what mine?
[20:23] *: yes
[20:24] Firefox Doghouse: well it may be a 1.7 but it runs like a 3.2 ghz single core
[20:24] Firefox Doghouse: thaks to the hyper treading
[20:24] *: i see
10 posts omitted