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Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.

Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 440

No.52109590 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I turned the computer off with a 1360 x 768 resolution, turned it back on and it has this shitty resolution instead. What the hell happened?
12 posts omitted

No.56224091 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
If I understand it correctly, putting a file in an encrypted container basically scrambles it until its data is disordered anough that, for all intents and purposes, looks exaclty like noise.
Then, when the program decrypts the data, it follows a set of instructions (in the algorithm and the password) to locate all these pieces of random data and put them back in the order they should be, to recreate the original file.


So theoretically, if I put a very secret file inside a TrueCrypt/VeraCrypt container (even with a single-character password), then put it into a .rar file that's split into 10MB pieces, and re-encrypted everything (but the first and the last piece) in a single .7z file, it would be phisically impossible for someone to access the file from that .7z archive, even if they they had scifi-tier technology to break all encryption (as long as they don't have the two pieces I left out).

That's because, even if they managed to open the first .7z archive, they would find themselves with an incomplete .rar archive, so even if they managed to extract everything contained in those .rar pieces, they still wouldn't have the complete TrueCrypt/VeraCrypt "noise blob", and therefore wouldn't be able to "reorder" it correctly even if they had the password (because it would be missing some of that noise that's contained in those two pieces I would leave out).

If that's correct, then by using this method, cloud storage doesn't have its security issues anymore, since even if anyone could access those files, it would still be impossible for them to open them and extract my secret documents.

Unless they could somehow extract part of my very secret file from what they have of the noise that they extracted from those incomplete .rar packets, but it's theoretically impossible to do that, right?
64 posts and 1 image omitted

No.19089131 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I just got a free "Dell Poweredge 2100 series" server by replying to the Cornell Network Administrators list serve. Cornell is trying to get rid of servers and move towards virtualization/off-site hosting. I just googled it and this shit costs $10,000 dollars.

>What the FUCK did they give me?
The netadmin guy thought I was working in another department, and I played along and got my "research assistant" i.e. some chick I know to pick it up. Will post results on /g/ when it shows up of course.
46 posts and 21 images omitted


No.56208120 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is it possible to get scammed on Amazon by a 3rd party seller? They seem to have a lot of electronics at half the regular price.
85% rating but only 13 reviews.

No.26515392 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So /g/, whenever I try to download the gentoomen library I keep getting the write to disk error. Anyone know how to fix it?
6 posts omitted

No.56198058 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Each question is contained to the question itself. Question 1 does not relate to question 2 (if you do happen to come across questions, no guarantee).

You need: for this one at one point.

The special key you need to solve parts of this first puzzle: magikarp

Rcqst usk mtamsb lj tbcs, tbkj usk xfmtk:


Guts thread!

No.29464095 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Refreshed several times. No guts thread?
Let me fix that.

Rate and get rated!
Pic related: It's what i call an open case - because it operates without covers. (Heatsink doesnt fit; zip ties are kinda in the way)
10 posts and 2 images omitted

No.29463609 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is a soundcard worth it? If yes, which one do you suggest?

HDD data recovery

No.29463540 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
A neighbour asked for help with a laptop he dropped. Turns out the hardware is fine but the lol Hitachi 320GB is fucked. All the data recovery tools out there seem to be floppy or CD based (I have no CD drive). I plugged the drive into my rig, turned it upside down and it shows up as "RAW". What the fuck can I do next, if anything?