OP here. I'll have to go in a few minutes, but will be back in a few hours.
If you have something to say (suggestions, questions, insults) please do, as I'll try to respond when I get back, or if the thread will be archived, I'll post a ghost reply on the archived thread on
rbt.asia>>56229290>Not really, some of it would be corrupted but that's only 20MB of missing pieces.But it would be 20MB of randomly taken bits from here and there in the file. Would they still be able to extract the stuff in the TC archive if it misses random bits at random points, or it won't be corrupt enough?
>>56229290>This is what I'd do in your place (...)Interesting.
This seems significantly more complicated than my original process, but I'll look into it and maybe integrate it (or part of it) into my "routine".
>They'd still probably not care unless you're an actual enemy of the USA or (some of) their allies which I'll assume you're not.I'm not really worried about a targeted attack, but rather about an automated one against all the files they have (which would then go through a system that flags suspicious stuff for an in-depth check).
What the NSA is currently doing (as shown by the various leaks on the subject) was almost sci-fi a few years ago. I don't know if they'll stay at the current level or they'll develop a more advanced version of what they already have (which theoretically, if it worked properly, would hoard data automatically about everybody until the computer finds something noteworthy), meaning my encrypted files that are on the cloud could be decrypted in the future.