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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 442

/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread

No.56117669 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Previous thread: >>56109811

What are you working on, /g/?
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No.29316186 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
hey /g/ finishing up the /g/ ai competitor due to lack of interest: Ver 1 will be submitted when available.
All code here:
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On what latops are best for GNU/Linux?

No.56106176 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Besides memepads which laptops are good for Linux?
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No.29240863 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello /g/, how old is your current phone and does it work like it was brand new to you?

I have a iPhone 4 that I purchased nearly two years ago which was free. Two years ago, it originally ran iOS 4.0 which everything seemed to be fantastic during the start. But now, two years later... iOS 6.0.1, some application purchases and such. Since I haven't done a restore a few months ago so the speed of the phone overall is somewhat slow. But lastly, the battery life isn't that disappointing anyways. I still get a good eight hours of active use while standby time is longer. The only issue is the charging which whenever I want to charge my phone... I would have to unplug the USB then plug it back in hoping it'll get charged. Which is sometimes annoying but I don't usually charge until two days later when my phone is dead.

>Inb4 Androidfags goes off "APPLE FAG" and such. I have a Android tablet for other needs. Only reason why I have a iPhone because it was free and plus easier. Don't need to rice out a phone and such.

So /g/, what's your current phone? Does it still work and such?
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Need help with a pc

No.16894697 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Story : At my school we are using unix based systems that you require an usb key to log-on . How can i bypass it?
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No.29216578 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hungry? i know i am!
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No.52591281 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How can people even use such a shitty language?

> Work at company
> Have to use Perl to write tests for code
> Everyone's code looks like vomit
> No one can help others because no one can interpret what the other person wrote
> Impossible to fix old tests, upgrade them, because even the person cannot understand them who wrote them

But that is the past.
Hurray. Now I wanted to use GPGDIR, because encfs is not available on Windows.

> Download Perl into Cygwin with all make tools, gpg libs
> Have to install cpan, ok. It installs, yay.
> Have to install GnuPG library (makes sense)
> CPU is on 100% load for an hour, tests failing here and there, Perl is shitting errors all over my screen for every shit it checks

> Error

What the fuck.
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No.29202285 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Do you guys leave your computer on when you go to sleep?
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No.29202079 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
you guys have convinced me Nexus is the way to go for tablets, and I'm picking one up. What's your favorite thing to do with your Nexus 7 that you'd tell people about?

No.29202328 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
what does /g/ think of thinkpads,
thinking about getting my parents one for internet browsing, are they reliable