>>29241525Right, this is something that gets sold out and won't necessarily come back for a long time.
It's not a statement showing how iPhone 4s get sold new at $200, but rather how it's possible, given patience and some commitment, for you to get a reasonable price on an iPhone 4 if you really want.
In the same vein, if the Nexus 4 were sold out for months at a time and required people to rush to get them at $300 mid-May next year, it wouldn't be a $300 phone, it would be a $500 phone that you can get for $300 if you're willing to put effort into it.
Here's another example. One day I happened to get an iPhone 3G for under $400 less than two months after it came out. I did this by checking online often and getting one from someone who didn't want to sell at a large profit but wanted to quickly flip the phone over so he could get a G1 or something. Relatively speaking, a lot of people did that, but it took time, effort, and planning to make it happen. I also had to wait instead of just being able to buy it, and it wasn't guaranteed I'd get one.