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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 443

No.29198471 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Okay, so I'm trying out a tiling WM (awesome) because I've heard about them being fast and efficient. I would greatly appreciate tips, tricks, and explanation of the controls.

No.29194865 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why does /g/ hate me?
2 posts omitted

No.29176876 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
guess my name faggots.
39 posts and 7 images omitted

No.29169909 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have a java assignment due in tomorrow and i havent started it. It's basic shit like making a few methods for a pinboard program or something. I'm a 1st year computer science student.

Will pay $10 via paypal if someone will do it for me. Should take 10 minutes if you know how to code. Email me if interested.
2 posts omitted

No.43349978 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I am looking for crack for winrar 5.10
anyone got some straight forward solution?
like daz for win7 or miscrosoft toolkit for win8 and such?

I cant just torrent precracked cause language is need to be local
32 posts omitted

No.29156472 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
By popular demand... Daily stupid questions thread!

Ask the questions you are too embarrased to ask anywhere else, and answer any you know!

Please keep it /g/ related, rather than 4chan or meta.
367 posts and 21 images omitted

No.29154343 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

There has to be some fatal flaw in this. Why can't I just

>Buy phone
>Unlock said phone
>Make minimum $200 profit

Seriously. What's wrong here?
5 posts and 1 image omitted

No.29151239 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do you come up with passwords?

I can never remember randomly generated ones, so I normally use computer part numbers with added punctuation, such as


No.18348472 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Oh, what's that? Is your website down?

Tango down, Lulzsec.

Some music for posterity:
112 posts and 18 images omitted

No.29134482 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>ex-girlfriend, me
>retardedly high-class richfag who's parents buy her everything
> i'm middle class but my parents made me earn my shit like i should
> get iPhone 3GS second-hand from my brother
> solid phone, I like, Apple are dicks though
> girlfriend upgrades shitty dumbphone
> gets SGSIII because "iphones are too mainstream" (literally)
> i jelly, drool over android
> bitch has absolutely no idea how to use it, hasn't completed initial set-up and never installed an app
> "why don't you learn how to use your phone properly"
> "i don't care about computers"
> next week parents buy her new rMBP 17"
> brings to school like preppy bitch
> literally has never done anything on it but Microsoft Word and Facebook
> all of my rage
13 posts omitted