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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 444

7550 Princess in Distress

No.54340338 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /g/uys, I need some help with a wargame challenge. I'm supposed to find a "final pass". The only thing provided is a zipped html file. The challenge is tagged with "Forensics" and "Crypto". Anyone got any idea how/where to start and/or what to google/read up about?
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No.49825224 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Anyone else hyped about the iPhone 6s?
159 posts and 16 images omitted

No.29100033 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Ok, /g/.
How stoned are you right now? How often are you stoned?

ITT: Bong technology
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No.19021171 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ok /g/ I've got a question. I ran into a .rar file I really want to get into but I can't find the password online anywhere. I downloaded RAR password recovery magic but when I try to put the rar in I get a message saying A bad file! and it says current guesses password is eee but that's not it.

It says it's a AES-128 encryption if that matters. Any program that can crack this? Can you guys crack this? Or am I fucked?

>Mfw an hour of downloading then SURPRISE! PPASSWORD!
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Best e-mail provider

No.55967886 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What free e-mail provider is out there that actually respects your privacy?

ProtonMail is working with the Israeli government.

Teknik keeps emails and has a pedo user base.

OpenMailBox keeps logs of metadata.

TutaNota seems fine but is hosted in Germany.

inb4 self-host

No.29092811 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Which color is best for the galaxy note 2?

I can't decide on which to get

No.11287504 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>underage b&...what does this mean, i've been browsing here for months and i still don't understand this
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No.29049893 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey guys anyone know anythng about Flops? Mflop / Gflop and how much they cost??

"1- Estimate of the cost per MFLOP of an average, modern (2012) supercomputer, a desktop computer and a smart phone.
2- Compare the cost per MFLOP of any of the modern systems of Question 1 with that of the computing system on the first NASA spacecraft which landed on the moon."

Teacher asssigns reports on topics that you can't find any information on because they dont want to teach an intro class. If anyone knows any sites with information to the two questions I would really appreciate it, and return any favor they ask. Thanks
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No.29068675 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is there any way to get rid of the screen tearing on Openbox? Running on Intel HD 3000 and the kernel drivers for it.

Pic somewhat related, I can't watch my Chinese cartoons with screen tearing
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No.20750725 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Whats /g/ stance on Arch Linux?
a friend with a medium-low specced laptop (a Dell with one of the earliest C2D and 2GB ram) wants to switch distro (he messed up with Debian for a while, then ended up with Ubuntu 11.04, but now wants to switch to something else) and I find myself not to much use of an advice since last time I ran a Linux-based distro was on a crappy old HP laptop running Ubuntu 8.10 and then Debian before getting a Macbook.

I think the solution for him *might* be Arch Linux, but as I said, its just a suggestion that came to my mind with the only argument being that its "sorta" light, but thats as far as my opinion goes, so, whats your take on it? Any other non-gentooian suggestions?

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