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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 448

What's a good gaming VPN software

No.28677695 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is a good VPN software for gaming? It should have a lobby where players can chat with each other, and see who else is online, in order to set up games. Other than that, all the game requires is emulation of a LAN using VPN. I figured I'd get a more intelligent answer here than at /v/ but I'll ask there, too.

tl;dr - read only the above paragraph

Some backstory for those wondering why I'm asking: I'm a member of the community for a mod of an old game. Back in the day, Gamespy Arcade was used, but since that's obsolete now, we use a software called Tunngle instead. However, I and several others who play this game have our issues with Tunngle, mainly that it's unstable shit and is prone to not working and network issues.

/spg/ - Smartphone General: Note7 Edition

No.55698591 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
If requesting purchasing advice, please provide your country and what carrier you will be using it with, along with wanted features, budget and size.

Good resources:
>reviews, specs, comparisons

>Frequency checker

>Chinkphone news

>Recommended Chinkphones $80-$300 as of March 2016

>Post a mini-review of your phone
>Discuss upcoming and current models
>Ask for help related to phones
>Tell us how much shekels you spent on good/bad phone
>Shill your Xiaomi


Note7 official renders surface, preorders start in Dubai

Galaxy Note7 to be the first to debut with Gorilla Glass 5

Samsung Galaxy Note7 leaks in gold, 3500mAh battery rumored

Samsung Galaxy Note7 iris scanner feature demoed on video

Moto Z Droids and Moto Mods now up for pre-order exclusively on Verizon

Exclusive: Oppo F1s to feature 16MP selfie camera, fingerprint scanner

Flat and curved Samsung Galaxy Note7 units detailed in new leaks
359 posts and 47 images omitted

No.55702666 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>tfw you fell for the 16 GiB RAM meme
2 posts and 1 image omitted

No.22132807 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Sup /g/, I require your wisdom.
So I just got hit with the nostalgia bat and downloaded the Zoombinis game (in picture) and I can't get it to run. It's in ISO format, and whenever I run it w/ daemon tools and hit "Install" on the installer it says "Unable to run G:\setup.exe. I opened the files and changed the executables to run in compatibility mode, Windows XP SP3, but that still does nothing.
Any ideas guys?
I know this isn't techsupport or anything but I dunno who else to ask.
45 posts and 8 images omitted

No.55681136 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>get randomly infected with some garbage
>instantly kills/removes malwarebytes.exe
>same with spybot
>same with M$ built in anti-whatever
>does this in safemode

what the fuck do I do here? My process list is clean, my services.msc is clean, my msconfig/startup is clean.

This is some weird next level shit I haven't seen before.
19 posts and 1 image omitted

Thermal Grease

No.55681056 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So what grease do you guys use? I used to use only Arctic Silver 5 but recently I needed a tube of grease and didn't want to wait for shipping so I had to go look in stores. Ended up with a tube of this stuff, seems to be working just as well as AS5 and was actually a little cheaper, and it's harder to lose since the tubs isn't fucking TINY like AS5 is. The diamond dust meme is a little cringe though.

What about you guys? Anyone using the grease that came with their chip? How is it working out?
16 posts and 2 images omitted


No.55680820 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So I am using almost 4 year old phone and it does everything I want perfectly. Calls, E-mail, Browsing, GPS.

Why some people need to change their phone every 6 months? Is this some sort of autism?

No.54730923 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Things that make you want to switch to Linux from Windows. This piece of shit every time.
15 posts and 2 images omitted

No.28607971 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Do you guys like Subway?
29 posts and 6 images omitted

No.28601932 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Programming thread.

Show us what you're working on.
330 posts and 35 images omitted