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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 451

No.26484334 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

/g/ In my moment of need, is this a legitimate thing? Also, anyone know where I can find this for free? Shits bad

No.28359117 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>bought a notebook
>512MB nvidia shit
>came with Windows 7 Premium 32-bit
>remove and install windows XP SP3 downloaded from torrent

I did right, /g/?
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No.27461881 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
/g/, what is your opinion on Asus Eee Pcs? I am thinking about purchasing one for note taking at university.

>Thought about buying this one
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No.28162248 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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No.28307226 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What do you /g/uys think of the AMD FX-8150?
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No.28354020 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello /g/

Need advice. I am thinking of buying new laptop, nothing fancy. I need it for uni. What would you recommend?

I am gonna use it just to access the internet, microsoft office and maybe photoshop so I don't need anything powerful.

Can you give me something, not very expensive but not some shit quality either and something with nice battery.

Or just any clues like what brand I should be looking for would be much apreciated. I have some knowledge but I would like to hear the opinion of someone more competent.

Have a nice day/night in advance gentlemen
1 post omitted

No.55484820 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
At what age did you grow out of Anime /g/?

21 here, and I'm 27 now.

Better late than ever, I guess.
122 posts and 25 images omitted

No.11139254 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
My first one:

Double clicking links
324 posts and 37 images omitted

No.55476399 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Quick question /g/. Why the hell would anyone ever pay 4,800 or more for a laptop? Why the hell would you even pay something like 1200? WHY DO PEOPLE DO THIS. Pic related, $4,799 laptop.
14 posts and 2 images omitted


No.28307231 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello /g/

My dad is giving me his old pc, but I have to buy a new SSD for it. I've never bought pc parts or anything so I'm not sure what I'm looking for in terms of brand, price, or size. Would anyone be nice enough to help me out?
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