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Donations to the archive would be appreciated to help fund our server hardware & storage drives. We are looking for developers to help build new software and archives, discuss here.
Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.
Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 452
Quoted By: >>28303558
So My HDD is ticking and i was wondering if there is any true way to fix it,
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Let's talk refrigerators.
Mine just busted to shit over the weekend while I was gone so all my food went to waste (I had just gone to Costco too and spent $300 for nothing now.)
I had an okay refrigerator that I bought used for cheap but can't say if I bad to buy it again that I would. So I come to you guys.
I'd like:
- water and ice dispenser
-Freezer preferably on top
-no side by side doors where the freezer is on the side
Budget is $500-$1300
Im sure some of you are thinking refrigerator shopping is easy. Trust me, it's not. Especially when you have a wife.
Also, post your refrigerators and talk about refrigerator technology. Any new ones coming out that look sweet?
Mine just busted to shit over the weekend while I was gone so all my food went to waste (I had just gone to Costco too and spent $300 for nothing now.)
I had an okay refrigerator that I bought used for cheap but can't say if I bad to buy it again that I would. So I come to you guys.
I'd like:
- water and ice dispenser
-Freezer preferably on top
-no side by side doors where the freezer is on the side
Budget is $500-$1300
Im sure some of you are thinking refrigerator shopping is easy. Trust me, it's not. Especially when you have a wife.
Also, post your refrigerators and talk about refrigerator technology. Any new ones coming out that look sweet?
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Pc speccy thread, who's ready for the high idle temps this summer? I still haven't installed my AC, yet.
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This is a thread in response to someone asking about a nano that turned into an anti/pro-apple thread. I typed this reply out, and the thread was 404'd so I'm posting it anyway. Why? Because fuck you, that's why.
Part 1 of 2
Honestly, I have historically been anti-apple so I know exactly what those that are against the use of iAnything's are talking about but let me give you a short story about my experience..
I was in need of a mobile device around Feb of last year. I can't pay for a smartphone so that was out. I needed something to run wifi and mobile apps, and Android was my first choice. I looked and looked for an Android-based mobile device that was similar to the ipod touch. There were none to be found. So, I cruised ebay for awhile and reluctantly found a practically new 8gb ipod touch 4th gen for like $85.
I started using it, and not fully realizing it's usefulness before, I installed a bunch of apps, some games, etc.. I found that it's ridiculously useful in place of a smart phone, I can do anything on it that an iphone can do (including make wifi calls using the janky mic and speaker). I can receive texts, do email, check the weather, everything so long as I have wifi. I am either at home or at work so I am seldom outside of wifi coverage. To make things even better the vast majority of restaurants and stores that I go to have free wifi, so I can upload fucking pictures of my food to facebook just like the other smartphone using faggots but without paying a monthly fee.
Part 1 of 2
Honestly, I have historically been anti-apple so I know exactly what those that are against the use of iAnything's are talking about but let me give you a short story about my experience..
I was in need of a mobile device around Feb of last year. I can't pay for a smartphone so that was out. I needed something to run wifi and mobile apps, and Android was my first choice. I looked and looked for an Android-based mobile device that was similar to the ipod touch. There were none to be found. So, I cruised ebay for awhile and reluctantly found a practically new 8gb ipod touch 4th gen for like $85.
I started using it, and not fully realizing it's usefulness before, I installed a bunch of apps, some games, etc.. I found that it's ridiculously useful in place of a smart phone, I can do anything on it that an iphone can do (including make wifi calls using the janky mic and speaker). I can receive texts, do email, check the weather, everything so long as I have wifi. I am either at home or at work so I am seldom outside of wifi coverage. To make things even better the vast majority of restaurants and stores that I go to have free wifi, so I can upload fucking pictures of my food to facebook just like the other smartphone using faggots but without paying a monthly fee.
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Write a program that finds where a polynomial function equals zero.
You don't know what the order of the function is, but you can give it values and it will give you its output.
You don't know what the order of the function is, but you can give it values and it will give you its output.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "function.h"
int main()
//this returns the value of the function, at 1.0, you must find a zero of
printf("f(1.0) = %f\n", polyFunction(1.0));
//You're on your own now, you should be able to solve this
return 0;
Quoted By: >>25429998,1
So /g/uys, I was wondering if someone could help me out. Does anyone know when the Lemote YeeLoong 8133 is going to be available? (Assuming it's ever actually made.)
Quoted By: >>28230327 >>28230438
Well /g/ my birthday is coming up. I don't have much money, but I wanted to get a better computer. Trust me, anything is better than the computers I have right now. I was going to go with this: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=5051182&CatId=332
>BUT it's out of stock as of tonight
So I threw together this build. Any thoughts or suggestions to making a cheap build? Anything other than "get money nigger" is appreciated.
>Graphics Card:
Re-Use old Graphics Card (perhaps unneeded due to the processor gpu)
>Optical Drive:
>Power Supply:
Re-Use old Power Supply
>Cheap Combination: $200.93
>Expensive Combination: $341.88
>BUT it's out of stock as of tonight
So I threw together this build. Any thoughts or suggestions to making a cheap build? Anything other than "get money nigger" is appreciated.
>Graphics Card:
Re-Use old Graphics Card (perhaps unneeded due to the processor gpu)
>Optical Drive:
>Power Supply:
Re-Use old Power Supply
>Cheap Combination: $200.93
>Expensive Combination: $341.88
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Ok so I have this Seagate GoFlex network drive for about a year. No matter if I turn off port forwarding/DMZ any routing settings this fucking thing takes over port 80 no matter what the fuck I do. I have a home linux box that I forward port 80 and some other stuff too every now and then but the second that computer turns off port 80 starts going to this goflex
I thought I was going crazy but multiple time I have sent browser screenshot websites to my IP and always is the fucking goflex login page and I don't have any ports on my router open
pic related, this fucking thing
I thought I was going crazy but multiple time I have sent browser screenshot websites to my IP and always is the fucking goflex login page and I don't have any ports on my router open
pic related, this fucking thing
Quoted By: >>55219483