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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 452


No.28301382 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
76 posts and 27 images omitted

!UXWKJDERPY No.28301242 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So My HDD is ticking and i was wondering if there is any true way to fix it,
6 posts omitted

No.54470546 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let's talk refrigerators.

Mine just busted to shit over the weekend while I was gone so all my food went to waste (I had just gone to Costco too and spent $300 for nothing now.)

I had an okay refrigerator that I bought used for cheap but can't say if I bad to buy it again that I would. So I come to you guys.

I'd like:

- water and ice dispenser
-Freezer preferably on top
-no side by side doors where the freezer is on the side

Budget is $500-$1300

Im sure some of you are thinking refrigerator shopping is easy. Trust me, it's not. Especially when you have a wife.

Also, post your refrigerators and talk about refrigerator technology. Any new ones coming out that look sweet?
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No.54784190 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Pc speccy thread, who's ready for the high idle temps this summer? I still haven't installed my AC, yet.
109 posts and 56 images omitted

No.26116463 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This is a thread in response to someone asking about a nano that turned into an anti/pro-apple thread. I typed this reply out, and the thread was 404'd so I'm posting it anyway. Why? Because fuck you, that's why.

Part 1 of 2

Honestly, I have historically been anti-apple so I know exactly what those that are against the use of iAnything's are talking about but let me give you a short story about my experience..

I was in need of a mobile device around Feb of last year. I can't pay for a smartphone so that was out. I needed something to run wifi and mobile apps, and Android was my first choice. I looked and looked for an Android-based mobile device that was similar to the ipod touch. There were none to be found. So, I cruised ebay for awhile and reluctantly found a practically new 8gb ipod touch 4th gen for like $85.

I started using it, and not fully realizing it's usefulness before, I installed a bunch of apps, some games, etc.. I found that it's ridiculously useful in place of a smart phone, I can do anything on it that an iphone can do (including make wifi calls using the janky mic and speaker). I can receive texts, do email, check the weather, everything so long as I have wifi. I am either at home or at work so I am seldom outside of wifi coverage. To make things even better the vast majority of restaurants and stores that I go to have free wifi, so I can upload fucking pictures of my food to facebook just like the other smartphone using faggots but without paying a monthly fee.
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No.28246444 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Write a program that finds where a polynomial function equals zero.

You don't know what the order of the function is, but you can give it values and it will give you its output.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "function.h"
int main()
//this returns the value of the function, at 1.0, you must find a zero of
printf("f(1.0) = %f\n", polyFunction(1.0));
//You're on your own now, you should be able to solve this

return 0;
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No.25429998 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So /g/uys, I was wondering if someone could help me out. Does anyone know when the Lemote YeeLoong 8133 is going to be available? (Assuming it's ever actually made.)

No.28229932 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Well /g/ my birthday is coming up. I don't have much money, but I wanted to get a better computer. Trust me, anything is better than the computers I have right now. I was going to go with this:
>BUT it's out of stock as of tonight

So I threw together this build. Any thoughts or suggestions to making a cheap build? Anything other than "get money nigger" is appreciated.




>Graphics Card:
Re-Use old Graphics Card (perhaps unneeded due to the processor gpu)

>Optical Drive:

>Power Supply:
Re-Use old Power Supply


>Cheap Combination: $200.93

>Expensive Combination: $341.88
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GoFlex hacking my network?

No.21736491 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ok so I have this Seagate GoFlex network drive for about a year. No matter if I turn off port forwarding/DMZ any routing settings this fucking thing takes over port 80 no matter what the fuck I do. I have a home linux box that I forward port 80 and some other stuff too every now and then but the second that computer turns off port 80 starts going to this goflex

I thought I was going crazy but multiple time I have sent browser screenshot websites to my IP and always is the fucking goflex login page and I don't have any ports on my router open

pic related, this fucking thing
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ITT: Discount codes

No.55219456 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
$25 discount code