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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 458

No.55156564 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Daily reminder
28 posts and 1 image omitted

No.23992822 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536 >2048x1536
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Antivirus Software

No.27856279 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Look /g/, just tell me straight-up.

How important is an antivirus program?

Because I just got a new computer, and I don't know what the fuck to slap on here. One of my friends told me just to not even get one, because they are useless.

Which one should I get, if any? It's so hard to find honest, unbiased information on this topic.

No.27840904 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Last week i purchased an iphone 3g

i now realize that next to no apps work and its quite shit, is there anything i can do to make it better?

it only cost me 50GBP
20 posts and 1 image omitted

No.55123532 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Yes, we know everything is already from China but in here we discuss the no/low-name cheap shit you see on Gearbest, AliExpress, eBay and similar sites.

>IRC channel #/csg/ on rizon

Chink Shit Wiki:

• Anon is hesitant to make a $120 chink shit purchase >>55116757
• Anon's $100 dollar package arrived with no tax issues >>55116871
• This lost key finder responds any kind of noise and won't stop beeping >>55117614
• Anon unboxes a DAC/amp device >>55118110 >>55118142 >>55118158 >>55118186
• Anon demands a full refund for what seems to have been a mislabled powerbank >>55118201
• A hexacopter is what this anon's heart desired >>55118212 comparison with a quadcoper >>55118235
• Anon reports on his chink smartwatch >>55118512
• Sharks are collectibles now >>55118971
• Anon received a bunch of packages >>55119912
• Anon added a Mitu plush to his Xiaomeme collection >>55120895 >>55120968
• More Ray-Ban fakes >>55121181
• Anon bought a custom poster >>55121882
• Another anon fell for the shark meme. >>55122611

Previous thread >>55116706

No.26591514 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

While understanding all publications are biased and have some agenda to write for, which article is more realistic? How much would it cost to produce ipads in the United States?
28 posts and 2 images omitted

No.27822757 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
first post ending with 10 is what this 3TB drive gets called!
91 posts and 8 images omitted

No.27818634 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So I have about 13 flash drives laying around...
2 32 GB
8 8GB
3 4GB

I don't need to back things I'm not quite sure what to do with them. I also do have a dedicated one for testing distros of linux...what do?

Pic related. Is my collection.
40 posts and 5 images omitted

No.22416940 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hey guys, you know the geomagnetic K index is nearly at 5 right?

K index 5 can knock satellites out of orbit, if it goes any higher we may have a BIG problem
134 posts and 29 images omitted

No.21394456 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
downloaded this file:

realized it was too small, figured virus, went to delete and accidentally ran it. one quick DOS window later and I'm paranoid as fuck.

heee-heee-heeeellllp. can anybody check if it is/is not, and if it is how do I fix? not showing up in MSinfo start up, and the only weird thing I've noticed is that my internet is a lot spottier than usual.

pic not related, but consider it payment for your help.
43 posts and 4 images omitted