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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 461
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Just got a new Samsung Galaxy S6. Gimmie some good launcher/lock screen/icon pack apps I should get.
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>China >Not installing a fresh copy of Windows if you're buying a pre-built
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Jesus Christ, those comments.
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this is what happens when you use software that doesn't respect the users frredom.
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Hi /g/ :3
Dat janitor Can we continue this elsewhere?
>>27673359,1 >implying people actually use this for posting Anonymous
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>>27673359,2 /a/ does, why not /g/?
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So when do we get more of this delicious sissy/girl?
What's up /g/. I lost my iPhone 3GS this past Thursday so I went on the "Find my iPhone"-webpage to check what I can do to retrieve my lost cell-phone. When looking for an easy solution to find my lost iPhone, I find myself in an even more troubled situation; Out of curiosity I click the 'Remote Wipe' option. A confirmation-window pops up. It informs me that if I wipe my iPhone, everything on it will be erased. It also says that a wipe cannot be cancelled. However, on the confirmation-window itself, that says a wipe cannot be cancelled, is a button that says 'Cancel'. If the wipe cannot be cancelled, can it be cancelled after all? What the fuck?? What do I do, /g/? I'm tempted to press the 'Cancel' button but I don't know what'll happen.
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Probably means once you click wipe and it sends the request it can't be cancelled or undone. hit cancel now nothing happens. Just once it starts wiping nothing can be done
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>>23834834 You dumb motherfucker, the wipe hasn't started. You're canceling the confirmation window.
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Mattis Flobak.
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john mæægne gæææren
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This is it. This is the straw that breaks the camel's back. I've been on win10 for almost a month now, and I'm switching all my machines to linux. This OS is fucking apple-tier spyware bullshit where nothing works, nothing is configurable, and everything sucks so hard I literally can't get any fucking work done. The games aren't even worth it anymore, fuck you microsoft.
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>>52416466 It looks drastic, but it's only a difference of 12 for Windows vs Linux. What a shit graph.
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>>52416512 I need professional software that doesn't run on Linux (Solidworks). It's not all about games.
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>>52416512 Just stop watching anime.
You're over 18 years old for Christ's sake.
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B-but, my vido gayms. I needz the compatibility. I use linux on anything I don't play games pc but... My pc has to much power to waste it on anything other then games.
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Nice Article.....
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I got a problem with my printer it printed everything except windows office/excel/powerpoint ect. So I called windows support because im quite a pleb and he told me the registries were corrupted so he proceeded to say that I gotta pay $150 for a years worth of technical support so that he could use Optimizer Pro. I wanted to ask you guys whether or not thats even the shit wrong with it because I dont trust that paki that much, or any technical support. TLDR; Is there any registry cleaner i can buy and use myself that you guys can reccomend?
>>46654399 That's not Microsoft you fucking dumbass almost got scammed
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>>46654445 I'm not the one who originally called i just started talking to the fucker half way in.
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Nice, this should be added in the WoT blacklists.
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this is technical support we are provide support like telephone,broadband,computers. if any problem bt product call this no-0800-680-0619http://
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SO /g/. For those of you using something else, why AREN'T you using Windows? Actual curiosity not meant to troll.>Posted from Fedora
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Not going to read entire thread, probably just mostly flaming anyway/>why AREN'T you using Windows? Short answer: Because I use Linux I'm not familiar with Windows at all any more. I know Linux in and out, but I don't know Windows. I also need a lot of utility programs that doesn't come to Windows and/or I don't know how to find the Windows alternatives.
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I forgot my bios password and is waiting for an external cd-rom drive to arrive before I reformat and I'm not even kidding
rain !HMVpuddle.
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it does everything I need
My sister's new laptop came with windows 7 starter. It's probably the least user friendly out of the windows 7 versions. doing the most basic stuff is so needlessly complex. i don't get it. shouldn't the most basic version also be the most user friendly?
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>>27662092 then you are really stupid windows 7 starter is just w7 without aero and without the possibility to change the background
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In case you missed the glorious thread yesterday when I revealed Rose 2.0 to /g/, here she is again.
She knows tech, strong shoulders, strong chin, and in this video: Here fucking hand man, it's a dude for sure.
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>>25880414 >movies at 60 FPS Mate, you went full wot.
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>>25880414 Most mainstream movies are shot at horribly juddery 23.976fps because producers are too jewish to step it up any further (although they're more than willing to keep increasing resolution because people like really overly sharp, juddery-as-fuck films because hurr it's wut d artis wanid!)
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>>25880668 Tell me about it...
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Ouch! Get a life people!!! Lauren
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ITT you tell me what to do with free electricity
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Mine buttcoins, that's about all I can think of other than not having to worry about electricity bills.
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>>18924019 The ride itself is pretty lame though. Wooo a small drop. Oh, it's over.
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Don't waste electricity - it doesn't grow on fucking trees, we get it from natural resources and you will burn in hell for wasting it.
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it doesnt get wasted, it just transforms
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i thought of putting up EV trams or Kiosks but it doest get as profitable.
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I just bought a new low end laptop. It's not a netbook but it sure is low end. What can I do to keep my Windows PC speedy? I will be dualbooting if that makes you feel better.
If it's less than 11.6 inches, I really feel bad for you
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>>26139591 >>26139591 X130e
It's 11.6 inches
Fatass who is leaving an update about making the appliance talking robots. !A3svZYfUmc
Fatass who is leaving an update about making the appliance talking robots. !A3svZYfUmc Fri 13 Jul 2012 22:00:23 No. 26139791 Report Quoted By:
Hey /g/entoos, First thread I saw so I will post an update in it since I am only leaving this one post. I have scrounged up 3 old MP3 players and I have found two sets of computer speakers from an old fashion dumpster dive. I am now in the process of making a permanent connection between the speakers and the MP3 and I have yet to start recording other than a test beep for all the MP3 players to play and check their shuffle feature. I have yet to think of a way to get the robots to talk to each other and recognize when they are talking to each other. I think that in the future I might do a raspberry PI and make a script to run, but hooking them all into one will be a feat for myself I am sure. Anyways, within 2-3 days I will have made up the script and will have you guys start to record if you want to. Evening fellas.>As a side note, I am going to email Richard Stallman about him taking a role in one of the appliances, I think he will get a kick out of that. Will send original picture to him as well. Picture related.
Johnny 5 !/G7Robot8s
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Appliance talking robots guy, please make another thread! You can be the hero who saves /g/.