>>99821309>if you spent literally more time than other game devs wasting time to reinventing the wheel to arrive the same spot (finished product)... then you're heckin wholesome tony stark inventoorino!!!There's a reason why majority of people doesn't even know retarded Jo Blo let alone knowing that his shitty sokoban clone even existed (no these game journal articles don't count because majority of gamers dgaf about them) because he spends too much time reinventing the fucking wheel instead of producing more interesting games. His seething about the top reviews of his shitty sokoban clone was always funny to me because he was lamenting that no top reviews acknowledge the unnecessary underlying layer of complexity of the things programmed underneath the hood. Oh fucking no. Someone with unity could've done the same shit as his shitty sokoban clone. If only he's not that fucking autistic for nothing ranting about retarded shit all the time. Too bad gaming industry, like any other software industry, values the final product which means by any efficient approach to get there rather than reinventing the wheel but I bet you're the same kind that thinks if you don't build your own custom IDE and compiler then you're not a real programmer.
I swear Jo Blo meat riders are the most mentally stunned group of programmers on this planet and probably are a net negative to society. Stupid nigger lol kys