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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 75

No.99680925 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
this board is so shit you all should be ashamed
20 posts and 5 images omitted

No.99679680 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Should I take the Gentoo pill? Is it really more efficient than other distros?
18 posts and 1 image omitted

/cyb/sec/pri/: Cyber-Punk/Security & Privacy

No.99634330 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This isn't your jobs thread or cert thread, it's a group therapy session. /Cyb/er/sec/urity/pri/vacy general is for the discussion of anything and everything related to cyberpunk culture, cybersecurity, and digital privacy.

The FAQ:
What is /cyb/erpunk?
How do I into /cyb/erpunk?
Huge list of cyberpunk media:
The cyberdeck:

--[/Re/verse Engineering]-----
Getting into /re/:

"Shit just got real":
Cybersecurity basics:
and armory:
Reference books (PW: ABD52oM8T1fghmY0):!YigVhZCZ!RznVxTiA0iN-N6Ps01pEJw
/sec/ PDFs:!zGJT1QQQ!O-8yiH845GN26ajAvkoLkA
EFF anti-surveillance:
Other library:

Hitchhiker’s Guide:
OSINT Guide:

--[/hmg/ Hackerman General]-----
VM/CTFs: - easy beginner - prebroken images - super secret club
Huge info dump:
316 posts and 68 images omitted

No.99676004 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Fedora 40 Beta is up! BIG release.
Centos Stream 10 will be branched off it soon and it's the basis for RHEL 10.
29 posts and 3 images omitted


No.99676233 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
i hate this nigger like you wouldn't belive. before he was just a voice. now that i see he is a disgusting pajeet i can't forgive myself for putting his shitty videos in the background
fucking pajeet nigger
2 posts omitted

/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread

No.99655287 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Old thread: >>99631405

What are you working on, /g/?
368 posts and 43 images omitted

No.99665181 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Lua is so heckin fast brozzzz
>is actually slower than PHP
>is actually slower than JS
57 posts and 4 images omitted

Let's talk social interactions through the internet

No.99655302 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
anyone else ever noticed their behavior changes a little depending on the avatar they're using? I notice I'm meaner if my avatar is smug, and faggier if my avatar is a girl

also in my mind if I'm talking to someone else, they are their avatar and thats final, a cat, an anime guy, an innanimate object, that is them to me
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No.99659370 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hare thread.
Let me explain why hare is the best programming language ever. First of all, it is very simple. This is great for discovering that your compiler does not contain glowniggerware. Harec is only 10k LoC! GCC is probably 1000 times as much. Who will check all that!? With Hare, you can be certain that no glownigger has tampered with it's source code, which makes it perfect for anti mainstream users. If you are a georgist, a fascist, a communist or otherwise understandable to the current world order, Hare is THE language for you. Use it alongside Guix and other suckless software for maximum protection.
10 posts omitted

No.99656500 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I can't... I fucking can't.... !!!!!!!
Why do room temp IQ people always recommend the worst fucking distro ever made, LINUX MINT.

They make linux users look so bad. This isn't linux.

Linux Mint is a terrible distro. Its flagship DE, cinnamon is:

- Ugly as hell
- Outdated AF
- X11 only
- Based on GTK3 and will probably die before it gets upgraded to anything else due to all the problems of GTK4
- Due to previous point, a complete dead end
- Uses some terrible compositor from year 2009

STOP recommending MINT. You make us look like absolute RETARDS. Mint is a distro that hasn't evolved since 2014. Even Manjaro is a better choice.

The only valid choices are
- Gnome
- Cosmic
- Some obscure window manager that you spent 100s hours configuring

Using as a distro
- Debian
- Arch
- Tumbleweed
- Fedora/UBlue
- Gentoo
- Maybe Nix

You know what Mint makes me think about? ZorinOS. It's that bad.

Picrel, fatfuck, I don't even watch this cringelord, just got recommended his crap on X while browsing tranny memes, makes a totally unconvincing and amateurish video called "DELETE WINDOWS TODAY" to recommend instead fucking LINUX MINT.

IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT FOR RECOMMENDING IT TO NORMIES SO MUCH. NOW THEY'LL THINK WE USE THIS SHIT. Year of the linux desktop my ass, if we don't nuke the lesser elements of our movement, we'll be forever the underdogs of the desktop.
114 posts and 14 images omitted