Blasters story mode
Yoguruma Mugen makes a copy of Al Azif out of the fragments left over from all of the infinite universes where Demonbane lost, Al Azif Ex Mortis. Upon defeat she becomes one with Al, who gets all the memories of those worlds, and her soul becomes whole.
Al Azif's soul is one of the three things Mugen needs, and she moves on to working on the next one, the Silver Key
Nitroplus Blasters "another story mode"
Mugen summons people from various Nitro games to re-enact some events that took place before Demonbane, in which a necromancer tries to use the Silver Key to summon a great old one to use as a new body.
The necromancer is defeated but manages to get away and ends up joining Master Therion (it's suggested that he's Tiberius).
The re-enactment enables Mugen to get the Silver Key, and she already had the third thing she needed, the Shining Trapezohedron.
It turns out that Demonbane was supposed to keep fighting the outer gods for all eternity and thus keep the universe running, but it grew too powerful and became the "Vortex Destroyer", AKA Demonbane the Vortex Blaster, and used its "Ouroboros Blaster" to kill Azathoth which also destroyed the multiverse and all of causality, and all universes past present and future are now withering and dying.
Demonbane is one moment away from completely destroying everything, but Mugen = Yog Sothoth is making that moment stretch out for an eternity, and is putting together shards of destroyed worlds to make one last world where Azathoth can be reborn.