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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 8

No.22756213 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What was the point of this manga? Haman was just a perfectly moe and an innocent little girl until all this stuff happens to her? You're just going to take agency away from your strongest female character, and just have stuff happen to her like that? No real decision making on her part 90% of the time just woe is me.

OH WAIT she actively cuts her hair so she is a strong woyman. My bad.

Haman is a fucked up bitch. Her relationship with Char didn't work out because they are both just too fucked up. You can't just introduce a random OC for Char to knock up, and then have THAT be the reason they hate each other. Haman isn't even an actual ex-girlfriend woman scorned in this scenario.

I read all of this you guys and now I am reading Define. Fuck my life.
10 posts and 6 images omitted

/otg/ Other Toku General

No.22747522 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous thread >>22619910
-Check out nyaa/anidex, KRDL and the pastebin before posting requests.
-If only posting an image, pop the name/title/source/whatever in the filename or post.
-If you find yourself asking "Is it /otg/?", it probably is.

>Metal Hero, Garo and Misc toku DDL
>Rare Tokusatsu Blog
>Stuff archived from Hi no Tori Subs (See the paste for Mitsurugi and Andro Melos, KRDL for Wecker and Bereke Scrubs for remastered Tekkouki Mikazuki)
>Big tokusatsu google document
>Other links of interest
328 posts and 55 images omitted

Gunpla/Plamo General - /gpg/

!A50XEWi1nk No.22731982 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport



For those new to gunpla/plamo or even just new to this thread; please read the guide. Please read it before asking questions, as there is a chance it has already been answered there.

For the unclear, "plamo" is a shortened form of "plastic model". If it's made of plastic, someone can probably help you here!
If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!

And don't forget to report shitposting and spam.

>Why won't anyone answer my question?
Try being specific, especially about your materials and process. Post images whenever possible; even if the kit/part looks bad, you are more likely to get help posting images.

>Why are my pictures sideways?
4chan strips EXIF data from images when they're uploaded to the site from your phone, including the orientation display tag. To fix this, save your images separately, or use an app that will rotate and save the images for you.
One commonly used app that works well on Android:

>A guide to other types of plamo:
>Kawaguchi gunpla tips:
>Gundam lineart:
Explore our extensive lineart links collection:
>Funaka's gunpla guides:
Building Gunpla:
>Falldog's gunpla guide:
>Saintism's gunpla photography guide:
>Dalong's gunpla reviews and kit documentation
>Schizophonic's gunpla and plamo reviews

Past Groupbuilds:

Previous thread: >>22729025
730 posts and 151 images omitted

No.22736824 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Toho is having a special for Godzilla 70th anniversary on July 28.
371 posts and 65 images omitted

No.22744232 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Toushi Gordian TV 24-31 subbed
Please help with editing!
3 posts and 1 image omitted

No.22726044 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Kagaku Boukentai Tansor 5 - 11 subbed
3 posts and 2 images omitted

No.22650168 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
How would you rank them from best to worst?
320 posts and 40 images omitted

/mlg/ - Muv-Luv General

No.20911206 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
375 posts and 95 images omitted


No.22690927 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Mods, that fucking moron with the poop obsession is out there again. Do your fucking job and ban the dipshit already.

27 posts and 3 images omitted