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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 109

/srwg/ Super Robot Wars General #755

No.13437447 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous Thread:

If you need help with any game try checking Akurasu for help:

Current status of the games availability in the English language as of the end of August 2014:

Detailed Version of Game Availability in English as of Late August 2015:

Music Pastebin:

Bring Stabity's Quick Guide to Katakana:

Game Modification Pastebin

Translated Plot Pastebin

Art Pastebin

Make your own SRW character Pastebin

If you wish to help with the SRW fan game they are always in need of more musicians and artists
Please contact the following e-mail: [email protected]
You may also reach them in IRC at #SRWEternity on Rizon.

You can also visit their website at:
481 posts and 112 images omitted

/prg/- Power Rangers General #87

No.13386022 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
/prg/ Faqs

Where to watch dino charge:

Dino Charge new episodes weekly on Saturday at 12 EST

old thread >>13327045
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No.13401931 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I haven't watched any Godzilla since I was 8, almost 20 years ago, but I used to love them.
Would buying these be a good way to get back into the movies?
I don't remember any of the movies I watched all that well.
88 posts and 7 images omitted

/ibog/ - Iron Blooded General

No.13404727 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
430 posts and 87 images omitted


No.13376013 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What is the ideal suit for a pilot?
I think a stillsuit(dune) would be good
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No.13393342 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>We did all that we could to prevent the Colony drop.
87 posts and 20 images omitted

No.13358290 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why haven't you moved to the superior chan yet? Don't tell you want to be a SJW /m/?

No.13357425 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Valvrave was a genuinely bad show. It was a fucking dumb show!

I loathed Shoko and Haruto, but especially Haruto. I'm still certain that there could've been a good show if we had a decent main character. Shoko was just annoying as fuck, and she really should've died.

The one thing I did like about Valvrave was how nasty and nihilistic it was. The main cast actually accomplish very little, if you think about it: They don't really protect the colony of students (Nearly all the students die) and the mission to Earth is a complete and unmitigated failure. The very strange thing about this show is that in the last few episodes, the thing that saved the day were the Nazi boy-band, the guys who looked like a group of Gundam Seed rejects. As super-commandoes, they were vastly more competent and nuanced than the rest of the cast put together.

Seriously, if A-Drei hadn't flipped sides, L-Elf would have been screwed. In fact, A-Drei is the one who kills the psychotic little fucker of the group! The heroes couldn't even manage that! Thunder gets ripped in half when he tries to fight the crazy kid. More, the glasses guy has more reason to fight Caine than Haruto does. Haruto is completely out of the loop.

Thematically, the show is really bizarre, because the main cast is just sort of blundering their way along the path. They don't really have any investment in the story.

It's interesting to note that - at the very end - they did really badly. Haruto accomplished none of his personal goals: He didn't get to live happily ever after with Shoko, he didn't stop his crazy dad from doing...something, he didn't destroy the Valvraves, he couldn't overcome his curse, et al. More, the people on Earth descend into a dark age of witch-hunting and superstition, and peace with the Magus becomes impossible.
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No.13333912 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Wow this was terrible.
The plot is crap and nothing is resolved by the show's end thanks to bad pacing and a rushed final episode. The second half of “Valvrave” still uses many cut-and-pasted elements from “Gundam Seed” or “Code Geass” and unfortunately doesn’t attempt to go down any sort of innovative path, giving the series an overall generic, cut-rate feel. For instance, the launchpad element has been pulled directly from “Gundam Seed,” and several major plot events are taken directly from “Code Geass,” with little attempt at disguising said event.And Haruto was just a terrible character. When Haruto needed to be bold and assertive he was timid and meek. When he needed to stand up for his ideals or to explain his actions he was at a loss for words and easily pushed around by others. It was clear he was little more than L-elf’s pawn for all of the show.
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No.13343809 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Valvrave is a show that's missing a lot of soul. When you watch a show that tries to achieve that same feeling that Valvrave attempts, I at least feel, it's a show born because the creators wanted the audience to have a little fun. Valvrave feels like it's engineered for the sole purpose of keeping the audience around long enough so they feel obligated to buy merchandise, rather than entertain them. And yes, you could argue that's the purpose of every anime that's ever existed, but still, you're not supposed to be so obvious about it. Valvrave is an empty fireworks show; an hollow mess that's devoid of passion, creativity andsoul, that feels like its very blue-prints was built to pander to the biggest demographic possible. Valvrave is a bad anime. Not self-aware. Not "so-bad-it's-good". Not clever in any way. It's the inevitable result of putting together as many typical tropes of the mecha genre as possible, mashing them together, and hoping that it will be eaten up by the masses. So yes, just... plain... bad.
59 posts and 33 images omitted