>>20307448>literally no other fandom in all of anime disowns all the fans who watched the dubs instead of the subs? No one else does this except macrossfagsDude, lots of fanbases pull this shit, ESPECIALLY Digimon. The line is so divided between people who prefer the dubs over subs is so thick that the release of Tri was garbled by people bitching at each other because they brought over the original English VAs but kept the Japanese names, then changed Koji Wada's Butterfly with some kind of some new 'digi-rap that dub fans apparently wanted (which both sides wound up hating).
This whole thing counts for Pokemon and every other televised syndicated anime that was dubbed for kids in the 90s and early 2000s.
People have been arguing about dub vs sub for YEARS. It's why the whole "purist" term in the anime fandom even exists.