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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 47

No.19817288 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This was easily my favorite scene in the movie. It was short but it really stuck with me
359 posts and 80 images omitted

No.19339959 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
It's her birthday! Say something nice about her.
76 posts and 22 images omitted

Gundam Battle Operation 2 - /gbo2/

No.19354422 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Both Gundam Z and Gundam ZZ main line of mobile suits is nearly complete. As we enter more MSV, Sentinel and signs of CCA and Unicorn, what MS from Z,ZZ and Sentinel do you like the most and what more you like to see? New banner is on the way and it could be anything even outside the MS leaks

Previous thread:

Learn to play Gbo2 with Tenda and Heidegger!

Follow Tenda on twitter

/m/ Discord for all players (Crix's):

GBO2 Discord:

Clan Name: /m/egafagot
Clan Tag: [MFG]
Leader: Mangojoyride
>Status: Full

Clan Name: /m/ Fenrir
Clan Tag: [-m-]
Leader: AV98_Alphonse1
>Status: 12 slots

Clan Name: /m/irage
Clan Tag: [M_R]
Leader: RFAokigahara
>Status: 1 slots

Clan Name: Blue Sparrow
Clan Tag: [Lac]
Leader: Questing_moo3
>Status: 3 slots

Clan Name: Red Raz Army
Clan Tag: [RRA]
Leader: Zero-Gundam
>Status: Full

Clan Name: DOMination
Clan Tag: [Dna]
Leader: EvilRobotUsses
>Status: Full

Current Clan Match Schedule:

>[PST] 2/13/2021 (SAT) 20:00 – 21:59
>[CET] 2/14/2021 (SUN) 5:00 – 6:59
>[EST] 2/14/2021 (SUN) 11:00 – 12:59
>Simple Battle, 550, 4 vs 4, Impact Site

>[PST] 02/20/2021 (SAT) 04:00 – 05:59
>[CET] 02/20/2021 (SAT) 13:00 – 14:59
>[EST] 02/20/2021 (SAT) 7:00 – 8:59
>Target Shuffle, 500, 6 vs 6, Target Shuffle

>Official Game Resources + Color Picker:

>Nipponese GBO players for reference


>Friendly reminder that you can test drive ms by forcibly closing the game without saving after purchasing them from the shop

>If you are having trouble with recon crate drops and completing missions, enter custom rooms called A/B where team A wins and team B lose to farm crate drops and complete daily missions outside of rival mission
481 posts and 70 images omitted

Cursed /m/ images 2021 version

No.19293252 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
317 posts and 148 images omitted

No.19806746 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are turtles /m/?
21 posts and 5 images omitted

No.19796383 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So it’s about misinformation
112 posts and 13 images omitted

Legit threads being removed

No.19805387 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What happened to this board? Is the resident jannie on a power trip?

Remember, he does it for free.

Gundam Battle Operation 2 - /gbo2/

No.19347280 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Now that it has been over a week since Military Base has been available, what are your thoughts on the new map.

GM III [close combat] is here and is the second MS with Gundam Unicorn under it's series list. Will Unicorn be the major series we will get after the CCA event we will likely see this year, keep reporting to base camp to find out.

Previous thread:

Learn to play Gbo2 with Tenda and Heidegger!

Follow Tenda on twitter

/m/ Discord for all players (Crix's):

GBO2 Discord:

Clan Name: /m/egafagot
Clan Tag: [MFG]
Leader: Mangojoyride
>Status: Full

Clan Name: /m/ Fenrir
Clan Tag: [-m-]
Leader: AV98_Alphonse1
>Status: 11 slots

Clan Name: /m/irage
Clan Tag: [M_R]
Leader: RFAokigahara
>Status: 1 slots

Clan Name: Blue Sparrow
Clan Tag: [Lac]
Leader: Questing_moo3
>Status: 3 slots

Clan Name: Red Raz Army
Clan Tag: [RRA]
Leader: Zero-Gundam
>Status: Full

Clan Name: DOMination
Clan Tag: [Dna]
Leader: EvilRobotUsses
>Status: Full

Current Clan Match Schedule:

>[PST] 2/13/2021 (SAT) 20:00 – 21:59
>[CET] 2/14/2021 (SUN) 5:00 – 6:59
>[EST] 2/14/2021 (SUN) 11:00 – 12:59
>Simple Battle, 550, 4 vs 4, Impact Site

>[PST] 02/20/2021 (SAT) 04:00 – 05:59
>[CET] 02/20/2021 (SAT) 13:00 – 14:59
>[EST] 02/20/2021 (SAT) 7:00 – 8:59
>Target Shuffle, 500, 6 vs 6, Target Shuffle

>Official Game Resources + Color Picker:

>Nipponese GBO players for reference


>Friendly reminder that you can test drive ms by forcibly closing the game without saving after purchasing them from the shop

>If you are having trouble with recon crate drops and completing missions, enter custom rooms called A/B where team A wins and team B lose to farm crate drops and complete daily missions outside of rival mission
396 posts and 32 images omitted

Hearts of Iron 4 Gihren Greed Mod: Zaku and Gundam Update

No.19346303 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
ver.0.2.9 3D Model & Balance Update
Added 3D models of the RX-78, MS-06, and MS-06 S.
Added the ability to research captured MS and make them production-ready. This rule can be changed in Custom Rules.
Zeon now obtains RX Project equipment when they successfully destroy a White Base Squadron.
Adjusted the effect of rebellion by Spacenoid Supremacist in Zeon.
Adjusted the world tension level required for some Focuses in Zeon.
The amount of space infrastructure and resources has been adjusted.
218 posts and 47 images omitted

No.19632586 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Interesting factoid: Akai means Red, and Suisei means Comet. I believe these names are intended to be a reference to Char Aznable from Mobile Suit Gundam, known colloquially as the Red Comet.
325 posts and 40 images omitted