>>19426351>We've been getting false flagger faggots lately with images of that theme.Well shit, sorry. This thread is a bit fucked now.
>in essence Humans are simultaneously in awe and fear of giant machines and mecha in the shape of man furthers that point.Does Gundam Wing explore it well? Almost makes me wanna see it. Anyways, giant robots and technology in general are just empty vessels for men to project their own desires onto. You know, they're either
a god or a devil depending on who's in charge. I think Evangelion and Getter explored the horror of giant robots nicely.
Speaking of Gundam, Zeta had that awesome theme of the main mecha absorbing human wills.
>It's similar to just how giant vehicles just don't feel real at times.>It's all about a sense of the impossible.True, I always like it when mecha are treated as gods or saviors of mankind or the pinnacle of human technology. They're supposed to be so much larger than life, incomprehensible until you pilot them. Made to be felt not thought of.