Yet Another Fruitful Thread For The Board's Greatest General edish
2 More Weeks For Teitanblood - Death pt.2 (For Real) subedish
Not Even Enough IPs For A Rodent To Post Here Anymore subsubedish
No One Is Reading These (except you, retard) subsubsubedish
Polyphonic 5 Voice Canon In Edish Form subsubsubsubedish
>Varg on His Love For Hard with Style (direct with quotation):"I didn't even socialize with that many metal people, and when I went out I preferred to go to house parties and to an underground hardstyle club in Bergen, called "Qlimax" (Climax), while most of the metal guys went to some rock'n'roll place. In fact I went to the hardstyle club to get away from all the new metal people, because I didn't like the attention from them. I preferred the attention of nice girls, so to speak."
>FAQ:What are things that are hated here?
ParalLEL fifths, blastdrum gimmicks, unresolved consonance, and especially riffs
>Norwood Without Style>>124810659>King of this Pathetic>Metal song of the day: