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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 13

Autosage at will

ID:+WiSialA No.608430 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How about we give jannies and mods the ability to autosage a thread early so that the people inside will know that what they are discussing is condemned but at the same time so that any (somewhat) meaningful discussion isn't cut off instantaneously?
It'll also take the offending thread off the front page so it doesn't steal activity from more appropriate threads.
The OP post could have something like (MARKED FOR PRUNING, DO NOT REMAKE THIS THREAD) stamped on it, y'know? Or it could be invisible, but I don't think that would work out.
What are the problems with this idea?
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no more 4chanarchive

ID:BjXQZTMP No.264159 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You know, moot, if you had made an official archive like everyone wants, this wouldn't be a problem. But no, you just have to keep up that fantasy of yours that archives destroy anonymity and ruin boards. Fuck you.
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Janitors are the cancer

ID:BEYZUzP3 No.711343 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So janitors get there own board where they can discuss ways to kill fun on 4chan and usher in reddit faggotry thanks moot fucking kike
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ID:R8AB3Cek No.605281 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

There's about 10 or 20 people on /sp/ who have come to a sort of unwritten agreement to just shitpost and be as annoying as possible. One of the biggest instigators of this is this new trip named nigbot. His actions consist of:

- Making obnoxiously bad/crude OC (another new trip called Seahawks-Clippers-bro does this too, and the other trolls save them and post them everywhere)
- Derail threads, usually generals, with tripfag discussion. Today he stepped up his game by taking matters into his own hands when people stopping giving him as much attention by making a TRIPFAG POWER RANKINGS, POWERED BY GOOGLE. Him and the other new troll trips are spamming the shit out of NFL Generals with this and other shit no one cares about, and they do it because they know they can get away with it.
- Making threads intended to look innocent, but incite shitposting with its content (e.g. Seahawks-Clippers-bro making threads with said obnoxious OC, asking innocent-looking questions in the OP meant to start up pointless arguments between those stupid enough to respond)
- Drawing attention to themselves in threads to try to derail them (2nd link related)

These people do this because they know moot gave up on controlling /sp/. There's a difference between chasebowl threads and this shit. At the very least, the mods need to recognize what's bad for /sp/ and what isn't. Banning their trips might not even work (though it did for fany), so an IP range ban or a name ban might work. /sp/ is NOT dead, nor does it want to be /b/, but since the minority is the loudest, moot lets it burn.
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Getting banned for entering wrong captcha

ID:/J0X9kr0 No.128776 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Attention people who keep getting banned for mistyping CAPTCHA: You need to enter both words from now on. Google made this change not us.

Seriously. What the fuck is up with moot recently? Why is he trying his best to end 4chan? Nigga if you can't host the shit or something like that then just say so.
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Religion Board?

ID:wFC4nAkN No.508548 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So, a lot of new boards are being added lately, and that's great! But there's no religion board? I think a religion board would be quite beneficial, in that it could be a place where people could discuss religion without half the internet showing up to tell them to gtfo. That's the point of many of the existing boards, right? You can talk about this here, whereas it might not be as easy to do so on another site.
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Please support posting of WebM files

ID:K/fxivBb No.737578 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
We already have animated GIF, so why not support WebM which has much better compression?

Quick example of how much higher quality a VP8 WebM can be compared to a GIF of the same size:

If it's really the capacity for sound that's the issue, you can filter out WebM files containing sound tracks with the same magic-number filter you already use to block archives.
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Spoonfeeding on 4chan

ID:CpMZEhoY No.701090 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
How does /q/ feel about spoonfeeding?
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The /mlp/ meta thread.

ID:uLemtJHi No.296267 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
In this thread, since the old one ( got fucked up completely by kids who don't even go to the board, /b/read's dedicated shitposting Illuminati, and an assortment of people whose opinions are ill-informed, stereotypical or time-wasting, we discuss the following:
>A clearer defining of the rules so that we know exactly which specific threads and content is allowed so there are no misunderstandings about janitors or mods killing things on the spot as there have been for the past week.
>A new janitor or two, because one of the current ones is deleting content based on his own personal preference instead of what the current rules state, thereby going on a power trip.
>A frank discussion of a specific group of people aiming to shitpost just for the sake of stirring shit up with /mlp/ and the rest of 4chan.
>The SFW status of /mlp/ and why it is justified/unjust (this one's not really a big deal to me personally, I don't go on 4chan at work).
>The disabling of dubs, trips, quads and etc. on the board seeing that /mlp/ is swamped with it this week.
And finally,
>Which threads actually should be allowed to stay in /mlp/, given that some people are literally in exile and don't know where to post specific things, for example, the Pony D&D threads.
What do ya got, /mlp/?
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Mods: Please Stop /pol/ From Shitting Up Other Boards

ID:PBgyCy3Z No.458776 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
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