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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 3


ID:ozGnto/Y No.786227 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why isn't this attached to the rules?
The only board that officially states roleplaying isn't allowed is /mlp/
Make roleplaying a bannable offense outside of /tg/ and /b/
Shit needs to be a global rule
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4chan Gold account

ID:iloWvxA3 No.10222 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I propose 4chan Gold accounts.
The only benefit of owning one would be skipping the Captcha.

Posts would contain no published details of being posted from a "gold account."
Users could still get banned for abusing their privilege, (ie, spamming, advertising) and their payment would not be refunded.
Gold accounts would not evolve into the related pic.

It would be merely for convenience of being "a payment verified poster" who no longer has to type a captcha.
388 posts and 34 images omitted

:^) please

ID:g1y5oJdy No.747841 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
moot could you please give feedback on a pic I drawed of you :^)
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posting from your ISP, IP, or country is blocked

ID:7lYJSoqp No.596963 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Somebody please help

Everytime I try to post anything on me computer a message comes up that says "Posting from your ISP, IP range, or country has been blocked due to abuse. 4chan Pass users can bypass this block." I live in Iowa, I have never posted anything illegal, and I could post normally yesterday. Does anyone know why this is happening?
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What is ghost mode?

ID:rK0Mi21q No.534470 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
When I reply to a thread on archive.foolz it says I'm in "ghost mode".
My reply will only appear on foolz & not the original thread.
What is "ghost mode"?
How do I exit it?
I might do a story time later on /co/, foolz is way faster than normal because there are no captions.
Whats a faster way to do a story time?
(Story time as in posting one comic page after another)
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Fixing /pol/

ID:P3czEqfA No.182560 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is there anyway we can get some better moderation on /pol/? For the last few months, /pol/ has just been dominated by anti jew shit and it is getting annoying. It wouldn't be so bad if it was just allocated to a few threads, but it has now dominated the entire board. Even threads that have nothing to do with religion or jews get flooded with "good goyim" , "JIDF detected" and other tinfoil hat shit.

Even the Paul Bots, Racist, cuckold and other cancer threads died out after awhile. I was hoping the same thing would happen with this, but it has instead only gotten worse.
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/gif/ and cp

ID:jdv2UB+n No.119492 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I didn't know where to post this, but on /gif/, there is a certain .gif that is constantly reposted, and I mean CONSTANTLY REPOSTED. It consists of a girl rubbering her tits while she is on her knees in her bedroom, and it's in sepia. Well, she's 14 in that video. I constantly report. Nothing really get's done.
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Australians on 4chan

ID:4Zo7SWNX No.543117 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>oh look it's this thread again

When are you finally going to ban Australian IPs from posting on 4chan, moot?

They contribute nothing to the world, and do nothing but shitpost and ruin this website for everyone.

Please respond.
183 posts and 30 images omitted


ID:SM7DYJoS No.786589 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>tfw most of the threads on /q/ right now are buttrage over the post counter
Smooth going, J00t. You've really done it this time.
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Marianas Web

ID:yQTmF1hE No.410978 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Marianas Web, It's Real ??

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