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Onahole and sex toy TF

No.11239848 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Thread dedicated to girls (and maybe boys) turning into all manner of sex toys. Onaholes, dolls, dildos, relief stations and everything else that counts as sex toy very welcome.
55 posts and 43 images omitted

Futa on Male

No.11228131 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Futanari on Male, Dickgirl on Male

97 posts and 66 images omitted

Omorashi Thread

No.11227163 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
"Water" edition.

Kemono list:
Manga scene list:
omorashi AI models:

previous thread: >>11177744

Males, futa, and the like go in the other thread please.
199 posts and 119 images omitted

Extremely thick/solid cum

No.11230490 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Post futanari and femboy cum that’s backed up, solid, sperm fence, or any other means of thickening.
Ai is welcome as this is a rare topic.
78 posts and 46 images omitted

No.11242520 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
A thread for discussing, generating, and posting non-futa AI images.
103 posts and 38 images omitted

Monkey's Paw Thread XXXV: Year of the Snek

No.11239971 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The rules:
>Grant the wish of an Anon above you, putting your own lewd twist on it.
>After granting a wish, you get to make one wish yourself. The Anons below you will grant it, and so on.
The first Anon of the thread gets to ask for a wish for free, without having to grant someone else's wish. (To be clear,does not mean without receiving a twist.)
>If a wish received only lazy "the wish is made completely unenjoyable and everyone dies" answers, you can re-grant it in a different way and still get to make your wish.
>If all wishes have been already granted, then you can just ask for a wish for free.
>Not a rule but it's still good form: if someone put effort and creativity in their post, you are encouraged to put effort and creativity when you answer their wish.
>Remember that we're here to have fun!
Last Thread:

In honor of the Anon that made a redundant thread. Now your choice of pic gets to become the face of the new thread.

Wishes from the previous thread:
>I wish I was a cute lil fairy with a loving owner

>I have a simple wish. I wish to turn into a cute, sexy gyaru girl. Bonus points if the traits are "natural" and the carpet matches the drapes.

>I wish I was a cute beastgirl trained by a loving master/mistress to be a good sub.

>I wish I was a cute boy, girl, or futa with a hot incestuous mother, and a Freaky Friday curse
46 posts and 32 images omitted

Fetish Creativity Discussion General

No.11195657 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Tentaclepunk edition

This is a discussion/creative writing focused thread for stories, novel concepts, power systems, worlds, and magic/tech/biology that accentuate your strongest fetish.
I for instance love pregnant sex but dislike humanoid birth. I instead love tentacle birth but actually prefer humanoid sex slightly over tentacle sex. These contradict each other but I can integrate them into one fucking hot concept by simply giving the tentacle swarm a humanoid transformation. Add my love of sex magic and temp-futanarization and we're off to the races.

Post your ideas be they ideal doujins you want or sex games that don't exist. From whole sex-based fantastical worlds, to sex enhancing magic, to simple descriptive scenes featuring you fetish. I had considered making this thread ONLY tentaclepunk as some of /d/'s more absurdist offerings put me off but I don't want to stifle discussion.
If you have significant writeups reply them to the anchor post.

Inspired by >>11131196
In that thread we talk about tentacle stories, novel forms of futanari, sex-enhancing magic, and a tentacle pit manager sim video game.
Tentacles, pregnancy, and magic are pretty potent concepts for discussion it seems.

To get the ball rolling, here's some of the more impressive and discussion worthy offerings that we could continue:
>>[The first 6 posts of that thread] (me) (Magical girls get sex magic casted on them by the tentacles they birth)
>>11161476 (Alien tentacle invasion slowly changes humanity with fun abilities)
>>11161788 (A fantastic world where everything is composed of dormant or active tentacles. (a good effort post to me on the Pregchan thread)
>>11173053 (Tentacle-tech sex based energy production)
>>11192334 (me) (Tentacle pit version of Factorio)
>>11169379 (Mage King holds court whilst princesses orgasm on his dick without him even acknowledging it)
>>11194391 (Horny magic fairies meet the biotech of space squids)
305 posts and 72 images omitted

Female Chastity Thread

No.11193312 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Doing it again edition
A thread for purely biological female chastity. Belts, edging, and anything else related to keeping girls locked up and needy!
152 posts and 131 images omitted

Slavery Thread: Bagged and Tagged Edition

No.11239798 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Classic World Building Questions:
>1) What setting would you choose for your scenario? Modern? Fantasy? Sci-fi? Based in reality?
>2) What's the main supply of slaves?
>3) In case of mass enslavement, how are new slaves kept and trained to ensure they won't rebel or disrupt the society?

Questions for Masters/Mistresses:
>1) How do you want your slave(s) to view you/feel about you?
>2) Would you consider training new slaves in groups or pairs?
>3) Would you train slaves with a history before enslavement, like friends, lovers, enemies, etc?
>4) What general feelings would you want your slaves to have towards each other? Competition? Jealously? Hierarchical obedience? Affection? Partnership?

Questions for slaves:
>1) How would you get adjusted to a new Master, or your life as a slave?
>2) Would your Master assign the duty of training you to another trusted slave, training you himself, or train you with another slave?
>3) If trained in a group or as a pair, who is the other slave? Your friend, your enemy, your lover, etc.
>4) What training will you be put through?

Questions for Switches:
>1) Are your Master and slave fantasies always separate, or do you like to imagine role reversals?
>2) Are there differences in how you would treat your slave(s) vs. how you imagine being treated as a slave?

Last thread:
101 posts and 75 images omitted


No.11161664 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
A neat thread for NEET posts
205 posts and 92 images omitted