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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 19

/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General

No.103102098 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
738 posts and 85 images omitted

No.103085579 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
How the fuck does he type with his keyboard on his lap?
Thoughts on the guy?
56 posts and 3 images omitted

No.103098501 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Low-level programming projects ideas, please? Language agnostic preferably, but obviously, a tool fit for the job.

Boring context (I won't blame you if you skip it):

Lately, I've been programming in C and even touched a bit of Assembly, but I found myself writing only small, toy programs. I've searched already on the Web, but only got the typical, trivial shit you can develop using Scratch. I want something that teaches me complex computing and a challenge that will burn my brain. I was thinking about a compiler, but I don't know if it's way too advanced for someone who does this more for hobby/fun than for work.

Thanks in advance.
Terry A. Davis is my one and only pastor.
5 posts and 1 image omitted

Is Free Software irrelevant now?

No.103096639 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>FSF completely run around by cloud computing and mobile
>GCC and Emacs are irrelevant now
>Cucked by Linus, your operating system completely subverted and people just laugh about calling it GNU\Linux
>Free Software gets by on a tiny amount of funding and volunteers while """""""Open Source""""""""" gets billions in funding and a huge developer mindshare
>Unfounded pedo accusations

>"I am the last survivor of a dead culture. And I don’t really belong in the world anymore. And in some ways, I feel like I ought to be dead."

Pretty sad if you think about it
26 posts and 3 images omitted

No.103093936 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
There's always worse. There's always ALSA.
33 posts and 2 images omitted

No.103097072 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
how do creators, whose work is available under a free license for non-commercial use and a paid license for commercial use, verify if their open-source software is being used commercially?
4 posts omitted


No.103098213 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How is this chud's life so miserable?
>I rarely play any game except quick forms of solitaire. Of course, any game I run on my computer must not include nonfree software.
>must not be a game which you win by fast reaction
37 posts and 7 images omitted

/sqt/ stupid questions thread

No.102983332 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
325 posts and 59 images omitted

No.89910534 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Technology to fix this?
215 posts and 116 images omitted


No.102909949 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Where to now, bros?
38 posts and 4 images omitted