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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 15

No.203523330 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So, how's that video game you're making in your country coming along? You could be making hundreds of dollars from your own video game in your country.
9 posts omitted

/fr/ - Le francofil

No.203518287 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Edition Gibi

Ancien : >>203497697
349 posts and 36 images omitted

tell me about your oneitis in your country

No.203466632 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
is she from your country? how long have you loved her?
9 posts and 3 images omitted

Do people know abortion is bloody murder in your country?

No.203351409 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anyone who would murder their own kids ought to be put to death by the state.

If someone murders a pregnant woman, it's double homicide; if a pregnant woman murders her own child, it's "her choice" and "reproductive rights". What bullshit. It's not even a logically sustainable position.

Stop calling them "pro-choice" and call them what they really are, "pro-murder" and "pro-human sacrifice". They sacrifice their own kids so they won't be inconvenienced by the consequences of their own actions.

Baby-killing whores and abortion doctors are worthy of death and should be put to death for their crimes against humanity. If you disagree with me, you're just a soulless bugman NPC psychopath who should be put on a watch list since baby-killing psychopaths are all inherently violent and murder kids and often bomb churches and terrorize pro-life clinics and churches.

No.202486566 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
After a lot of consideration, I decided that I am going to kill myself. I don't know when, I don't know how but it will probably be through intentional overdose.

I might or might not take a simple drug test or a more complicated toxicology test prior to leave back to prove that I was clean before the incident, I think it would be lame if I didn't take drugs the days before dying. I will write and emphasize that the overdose was intentional and I don't think I will leave a suicide note.

I've read about someone who killed himself that he was writing a big X everyday in a page in his calendar the last two weeks of his life meaning that he didn't find anything meaningful and worthy of being alive which sounds interesting.

Other options are hanging, by gun and carbon monoxide poisoning also sounds interesting but I still think intentional overdose is the best way to go.

Life is completely meaningless and especially in the modern world along with the rampant rise of technology making it even worse and this is just the beginning. It's no secret that the masses have changed dramatically for the worse due to social media and consumerism. The damage social media has inflected into people's psyches is irreversible and it's obvious. And remember, this is only the beginning, social media as we know them and their overall popularity are at most only 15 years old, before them there were obviously chat rooms and similar sites.

Too many people working paycheck to paycheck in toxic working environments and wasting their lives and potential to have nothing left in the end of the month or even borrowing money to make ends meet so someone else can get richer and richer.

Not to mention the attitude, mindset and behavior of a big portion of the population who make you wonder what's going on inside their heads on a daily basis.
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'ick on 'eck

No.202998071 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
7 posts and 1 image omitted

No.200998221 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Has hiring SAARS ruined translation utilities for your language?
3 posts omitted


No.202899455 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
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No.202895367 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
332 posts and 99 images omitted

No.202799254 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Imagine being a Br*tisher lol