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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 101

No.38312294 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Hello, my name is Andro Meda
33 posts and 6 images omitted Thread #2

No.38299853 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Come draw ponies with us, Anon. All skill levels welcome, both SFW and NSFW allowed. If you're not drawing, please delete the layer that auto generates when you join. Don b rude and have fun!

Main canvas:
Previous thread: >>38221252
528 posts and 81 images omitted

No.38303119 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
1 post omitted

Ban on "writing prompt" threads lifted

No.34268500 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

We had a discussion yesterday wherein I observed some concerns about longstanding content bans on this board. This sticky aims to clarify which posts are still banned, and formally lift a ban as requested. I posted this yesterday but am rewriting for clarification.

* Greentext writing prompt threads and posts in the style of "HI ANON I'M A PONY," etc. are once again permitted on /mlp/. We banned this style of posts a few years ago for low quality and low effort roleplaying. We would like to see high quality, reasonable effort posts of this nature. /mlp/ rule 4 ("no roleplaying") is still in effect, so please make an effort to distinguish these posts from a shitty LARP that doesn't go anywhere. They should be driven by creative stories.

* At this time, Anonfilly, Milky Way, and tulpa threads will continue to be disallowed.

* Other obvious /trash/ fetish content like diapers or flank worship will also remain banned.

* If there were other bans besides the above listed, they are no longer in effect as of this post. Only the ones I listed above continue to be banned (fetish content + 3 specific problem threads). Of course, the board rules apply regardless.

I hope this compromise is suitable enough. Enjoy the final season of the show.

/mlgbt/ - lgbt ponies general

No.38272720 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
General thread for lgbt pony discussion, headcanons, stories, shipping, and artwork.

>How is this different from the lesbian/gay threads?
More generalized, allowing anons to also explore concepts like magical gender transition, polyamorous herds, or which ponies of either gender a bisexual purple pony princess would crush on
Usual lesbian/gay content obviously welcome as well.

Some of the usual backlash, a writefriend wrote a dozens posts long series of trans Pipp greens (start: >>38253632), Lyrabon and Startrix art posting, Pinkie selfcest get, and Anon is now banned for sexual exploitation of foals.

Previous thread: >>38252898
215 posts and 103 images omitted

No.38273660 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

/mlgbt/ - lgbt ponies general

No.38252898 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
General thread for lgbt pony discussion, headcanons, stories, shipping, and artwork.

>How is this different from the other threads?
More generalized, allowing anons to also explore concepts like magical gender transition, polyamorous herds, or which ponies of either gender a bisexual purple pony princess would have crush on
The usual content you'd post in the other threads is also still welcome though!

Previous: >>38246322
876 posts and 429 images omitted

No.34438933 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I was going through some old pony pics and bumped into this but forgot all about it. Can some oldfag fill me in the story? Think it had to do something with /sp/
12 posts and 3 images omitted


No.38249072 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
23 posts and 7 images omitted

No.38251490 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Today is the 10th anniversary of Barneyfag first posting his famous "bronies, this is your mindset" image.
Say something nice about him, or his moustache.
1 post and 1 image omitted