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No.41260575 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Can't even post comedic censors anymore
The absolute state of the 4chan moderation team
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No.99464 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
ITT, the moment that made you laugh the most

Flutterguy is a given, I know absolutely no one who hasn't at least cracked a smile at the singing scene

The whole scene with Rarity grieving in her room while the other girls try to apologize. ''That's your answer to everything''

Fluttershy flipping the fuck out when RD pulls a rainboom

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CYOA General #16

No.41222202 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Previous thread: >>40980613

Almost made it edition

Choose Your Own Adventure. AKA Quest.

>Discuss Current, Finished and Upcoming CYOAs
>Give advice on CYOAs
>Pitch ideas
>Get critique
>Trade art

List of stories: WIP (formerly anonpone). Your best bet is to search via desuarchive.
List of related content:

>How do I run a CYOA?
>I can't into art, but I'm a competent writer. Should I still run a CYOA?

>What day is best?
>What time is best?
>What race would you play?
>What genre are you interested in?

>Can I run a CYOA in this General Thread?
Yes, just take care to differentiate yourself if there's another ongoing CYOA here.

>Active CYOAs as this thread was posted
Moonlit >>Here
Rise of Paradise >>41221173
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No.41243306 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Badonka donk
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No.18800498 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
i kinda envy the kids who enjoy the show now

the shows i enjoyed as a kid have a nostalgia value, but half of them are grating to re-watch now

to think that they'll grow up, rediscover the show out of some gen z nostalgia pride thing on a new social media, get their minds blown when they catch the references they didn't as kids and appreciate the production value as some go into animation themselves.

perhaps they'll even find refuge in the poniverse when late 21st century disasters befalls humanity. a little saddened when they hear of fandom drama that occurred unbeknownst to their younger selves, and perhaps relieved they live in a time the world isn't hung up on what cartoons boys watch.

not to mention the tonnes of hand-me-down pony porn from the first wave bronies

No.41117797 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Maud is the bustiest of Pie sisters
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No.41226776 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What TRAUMATIZED (You), nonny?
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No.41226218 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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NHNB is Back!

!!PVj6s2kVWCp No.41214121 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
After nearly month of downtime NHNB has finally returned! Making a thread as most posters there crossposted between here and there. Figured this would be the best way to let people know.
Hopefully this thread is acceptable.
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No.41142933 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I dialed the number and she actually showed up
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