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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 12

No.40809288 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Eat up!
8 posts and 3 images omitted

No.40807079 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do you respond to them without sounding angry, flustered or the least bit triggered?
22 posts and 1 image omitted


No.40800863 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Anyone else seen this really well done web animation to Antonymph that got put up a couple of days ago? Definitely one of the more engaging web animations I've seen in a while
140 posts and 28 images omitted

No.40802114 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are your my little pony mental illness headcannons?
9 posts and 2 images omitted

No.40799007 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
let’s play a game emulpee.
>your dick size (Don’t lie, we’re all anons here)
>your favorite pony

Welcome to /mlp/ - Pony

!Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin No.1 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

We fucked up and turned our back to one of the largest subcultures in 4chan's history. This was not out of malice, but ignorance, and responding to general upset from the rest of the community when pony threads began to overwhelm their respective homes. Ponies haven't had a real home outside of /b/ and /co/ until today.

So we're trying to make this right, and give the ponies the home they've deserved from day one. I honestly have no idea what to do with this board and will be relying on you all to set the culture and help come up with its rules and provide suggestions for janitors. I think a lot of you are tripfriends, so hopefully one stands out that would make a good one.

I would ask that you try to centralize all pony related threads here in /mlp/, and direct fellow ponies from /b/, /co/ and others to this board.

Friendship sure is magic,

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No.20836484 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Remember when you were dumb
You worshipped Barney like a chud
Die, you fucking Barneyfag
Now there’s just retardation in your eyes
Like the downie that won’t die
Die, you fucking Barneyfag

You were fucked in the crossfire of Leach and Parker
Clutched in their tight grasp
Fuck off, you faggot with retarded laughter
Fuck off you manchild, you retard, you downie and die

I hope you die in a dune
I hope you die soon
Die, you fucking Barneyfag
Taught by those who aren’t right
His purpleness filled your sight
Die, you fucking Barneyfag

You found your own way to ignore smart decisions
Clutched in his tight grasp
Fuck off, you dumbass, you failed emission
Fuck off, you sperg, you asshole, you degenerate and die

No.40792589 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Popular opinion: fanart that isn't made by a fan and isn't art is retarded.
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Today's episode

No.16034218 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
S4 • E12

“Pinkie Pride” by Amy Keating Rogers

(This episode was leaked on Google Play prior to today's airing. If you've already seen it, try not to spoil ITT!)


An elated Pinkie Pie is planning the biggest and best "birth-iversary" party ever for Rainbow Dash, but when another party planning pony named Cheese Sandwich rides into town, plans change. Soon, everypony is so excited about Cheese Sandwich's party that they forget about Pinkie Pie, but her pride won't let her go down without an official "goof off."

Guest starring:

"Weird Al" Yankovic


Hub Facebook Clip
YouTube clips -

Live streams*:

Brony TV
Equestria TV

* Recommended for optimal viewing.
** Available in HD (720p).

These not doing it for you? See EqD's big list o' streams.

MLP airs at 10:30AM ET. Convert this to your time zone here.
832 posts and 151 images omitted

ITT: We act like we live in Ponyville

No.40761885 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
100 posts and 18 images omitted