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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 110

No.36860593 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Cheerilee just prepared an huge play for the ponies of Ponyville, but one role is missing and
are needed for it.

Will you accept?

Cheerilee have been silently watching you for a while now. What could she be after?
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No.1463580 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
404 posts and 60 images omitted

Miss /mlp/ 2021: Round of 32 (Part 3)

!!uFHaCwdoWgk No.37809923 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>>37803059 Previous thread
Welcome to the continuation of the 2021 Princess /mlp/ pageant, where your favorite ladies from across all aspects of the franchise be it canon, fandom, or memery are judged and selected for who is most deserving of being crowned the queen of the board.

Round 3 is its final stretch! Less than two hours remain before the Round of 32 comes to a close, and 16 lovely ladies chosen to rise up above the others as they make their way to the Round of 16. Little time awaits if you've yet to cast your ballot, so make sure you cast your vote for 16 of these beautiful contestants below.

Round of 32:

Round of 128 Results:
Round of 64 Results:

Time until Round 3 is over:

And of course, feel free to root/shitpost for any of your favorite girls below!
628 posts and 257 images omitted

Miss /mlp/ 2021: Round of 128 Results / Round of 64

!!uFHaCwdoWgk No.37789889 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>>37782643 Previous thread
Welcome to the continuation of the 2021 Princess /mlp/ pageant, where your favorite ladies from across all aspects of the franchise be it canon, fandom, or memery are judged and selected for who is most deserving of being crowned the queen of the board.

Round 1 of Miss /mlp/ 2021 has officially come to a close! From 128 contestants we've now slimmed down to only 64. We wish well to the girls to have fallen this round and to their fantastic supporters, and continue to look forward to who among our remaining lovely ladies will move on through the next Round (set to begin at 6 AM tomorrow morning EST while I set up the poll) to the top 32! Here are your winners in the link below.
Round of 128 Poll Results:

Round of 64 (when it opens):

Time till Round 2 is over (begins at 6 AM EST):

And of course, feel free to root/shitpost for any of your favorite girls below!
706 posts and 171 images omitted

Kinderquestria/Anon in Pone Prison #32 - Spook Edition

No.37746979 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Explore a world where cute ponies do cute things. Or get (gently) thrown in jail.

Previous Thread: >>37604615

Prompt index and a must read to see what this is about:

Short stories by Britanon

One Prison Story List

List of Kinderquestria Greens

Kinder SCP Foundation

Magician in Prison (Ponepaste was created) by Anonymouse/ImprisonedMagician (Ponepaste Name):
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Manos The Hands Of Fate

No.37723549 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Manos has risen again and we are, as always, his faithful hands!

It all began six years ago at the end of the year 2015, when a writing prompt, for yet another AiE tale,
inspired a young writefag named Human Superiority to create the greatest AiE story ever told!
The story of Anonymous, later called Manos the Lord of Fate, who has been mysteriously spirited away to the magical land of Equestria.
Due to his extensive knowledge of that world and its unfolding future, Manos begins to take control of the fate of all ponydom, shaping a new Equestria according to his will!

In these new weekly threads we shall retell Manos's story and that of his faithful hands.

All old and new Anons, write- and artfags a more than welcome to join us again.

Heil the Reich!

Heil Manos!

Thread theme:

Some of our previous threads:

Human Superiority's Pastebin & Manos green part I-V: (Part I) (Part II) (Part III) (Part IV) (Part V)

A character sheet for Manos: (WARNING THIS CONTAINS SPOILERS)

Backgrounds of Fate (Manos Side Stories)

A Royalist's Pastebin:

EM1's (aka: ZimZam's) Pastebin:

MedicalKrabbyPatty's (aka: A Black Hand's) Pastebin:

U-Boat Anon's Pastebin:
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/mlp/ rewatch stream S3E3+4

No.35472060 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This week's episodes are "Too Many Pinkie Pies" and "One Bad Apple", originally aired 17th and 24th November 2012.
Find the stream here:
Contdown here:
As always, please post any suggestions for fan videos or emotes.
I'll be hosting a sketchful game again, although I might have run out of custom words to use.
Unless I try going with the episode idea from last time with disabled hints.
100 posts and 40 images omitted

Fatelocked CYOA

!!1QfCMXUlm/E No.37769093 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Willow: "Anon? Aaanon...Hello!? Equestria to Anon!"
>You zone back in.
>You've been in such deep thought about SMILE, the Amulet, and everything else you didn't realize you're back at the bar already.
>Rain brings the drinks from the bar.
>Rain: "Is drinking this much part of the job?"
>Willow: "Thanks Rain, yes it is...Anon? Is something on your mind?"
512 posts and 54 images omitted

No.37740716 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
whay do youj lijke ther horsies
horse forrideing not forf sex


No.282842 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
i see so many "have you ever been caught being a brony" threads, why the shame?
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