Donations to the archive would be appreciated to help fund our server hardware & storage drives. We are looking for developers to help build new software and archives, discuss here.
I'm stuck in my own personal hell. I hate being gay, I just want to love my waifu man but I know that it would never work out if I got the chance to have a relationship with her. I want to bash my own head in, why did I fucking have to be like this, I just wanna like her in more than a romantic way but I just can't seem to.
Bitch are you retarded? I'm going to soon buy this board and all the janitors will be doxed and murdered. You have 5 minutes to post the thread you deleted back or I'm murdering you. I'm waiting. YOU DO NOT FUCK WITH A MAN WHO HAS MONEY AND HAS BEEN REJECTED TO BE A COCKSUCKING JANITOR 26 TIMES.
Remember there's still time to submit your event/panel ideas and vendor forms! But the schedule is filling up, check the preliminary schedule for an idea of free times! Be aware, it's very much subject to change right now. Remember we do have two CyTube channels, so we can still schedule more events if you're willing to be on the second channel.
>How will the con be held? Special event threads Live streams on YouTube, Pony.Tube, or Twitch broadcast via CyTube Pre-recorded videos made for the con viewed on CyTube During the con, most activity and interaction will occur on the con thread and/or CyTube
>(You) can help by volunteering to... Help support any vendors we may have Help design a better web site for vendors and/or the con Contact people you know who could help (show guests who may want to participate or anyone else you think could help make the con more fun and exciting) Maybe help us with some art of Contard/Anon Filly/something else we can use on the con site and as thread OP images Organize some sort of charity thing if you want? Help hosts/panelists livestream!
>What's next? Sign up to host an event/panel or be a vendor Respond to messages I've sent Can someone design a better way to support vendors?
Please don't bitch about what chat web sites people are using offboard here, this thread is for planning this con on and for /mlp/ and we already have enough disingenuous and pointlessly spiteful autists trying to derail shit. Be the change you want to see in the world, not the pointless bickering that floods a thread and kills it. And stop making threads for no other purpose than to piss off a tripfag. That can wait for later, this is actually important.