Quoted By:
In their INFINITE wisdom, YouTube has seen fit to private all unlisted videos before 2017, essentially removing them from YouTube to everyone except the uploaders themselves.
This means hundreds, if not thousands of unlisted pony videos, including songs, animations, YTPs, YTPMVs could be removed from the site.
There is an opt-out for creators to keep their videos unlisted and not privated, but many creators who have unlisted their pony videos years ago and haven't been on their channels since will never opt-out, and some people who have since left the pony scene but left their videos on unlisted won't opt-out either. It's likely that some current creators might not know about the situation and also may not opt-out.
We still have some time to archive them though. July 23rd is when they will be privated.
>how can I help?
Please submit anything you find/know about it to https://docs.google.com/forms/d/17U6Eanhq-hynjVIZ0kI93q-UHWGnQrUXkRx-7sAw-jY/edit and I'll make sure it gets thrown into Spikebot for archival.
You can also enter the TPA server and submit videos yourself if you want to.
>how do I even find these videos?
Scouring old websites and archives of websites that haven't been updated in a while (this can include places like desuarchive, mlpfanlabor wiki, videos lists on mulpwiki.batpony.party, Internet Archive versions of sites, etc etc)
Find the URL with the username of a channel and stick it into the WayBack Machine (ex. https://www.youtube.com/user/OfficialAlexS with the "user" bit there). Mousing around in there and some intuition can help you find some unlisted videos
Post old videos into the Wayback Machine as well. Many of the related/featured videos on the side can come up as unlisted
Pyxia, if you're out there, it'd be wonderful if you could please provide any unlisted videos you have and especially the ones that arent backed up by TPA
https://unlistedvideos.com/ is great for finding stuff, especially if you're searching invididual creators
And there's plenty more ways, just be curious
In the meantime, I'll talk with people on this and make a video about how to go about finding unlisted videos. I'll put it up on this channel within the next day or two: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCykJnMVcB2VW6RHToYvqeIg
Thanks to anyone who can help.
This means hundreds, if not thousands of unlisted pony videos, including songs, animations, YTPs, YTPMVs could be removed from the site.
There is an opt-out for creators to keep their videos unlisted and not privated, but many creators who have unlisted their pony videos years ago and haven't been on their channels since will never opt-out, and some people who have since left the pony scene but left their videos on unlisted won't opt-out either. It's likely that some current creators might not know about the situation and also may not opt-out.
We still have some time to archive them though. July 23rd is when they will be privated.
>how can I help?
Please submit anything you find/know about it to https://docs.google.com/forms/d/17U6Eanhq-hynjVIZ0kI93q-UHWGnQrUXkRx-7sAw-jY/edit and I'll make sure it gets thrown into Spikebot for archival.
You can also enter the TPA server and submit videos yourself if you want to.
>how do I even find these videos?
Scouring old websites and archives of websites that haven't been updated in a while (this can include places like desuarchive, mlpfanlabor wiki, videos lists on mulpwiki.batpony.party, Internet Archive versions of sites, etc etc)
Find the URL with the username of a channel and stick it into the WayBack Machine (ex. https://www.youtube.com/user/OfficialAlexS with the "user" bit there). Mousing around in there and some intuition can help you find some unlisted videos
Post old videos into the Wayback Machine as well. Many of the related/featured videos on the side can come up as unlisted
Pyxia, if you're out there, it'd be wonderful if you could please provide any unlisted videos you have and especially the ones that arent backed up by TPA
https://unlistedvideos.com/ is great for finding stuff, especially if you're searching invididual creators
And there's plenty more ways, just be curious
In the meantime, I'll talk with people on this and make a video about how to go about finding unlisted videos. I'll put it up on this channel within the next day or two: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCykJnMVcB2VW6RHToYvqeIg
Thanks to anyone who can help.